Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/463

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 1 ST SESS.-CH. 324-JULY 25, 1947 Former Soldiers and Sailors; maintenance, under jurisdiction of the Board of Public Welfare, of a suitable place in a building entirely separate and apart from the house of detention for the reception and detention of children under eighteen years of age arrested by the police on charge of offense against any laws in force in the District of Columbia or committed to the guardianship of the Board or held as witnesses, or held temporarily, or pending hearing, or otherwise; including subsistence of interns; compensation of consulting physi- cians and veterinarians at rates to be fixed by the Commissioners; repairs and improvements to buildings and grounds; securing suit- able homes for paroled or discharged children; and care and mainte- nance of boys committed to the National Training Schools for Boys by the courts of the District of Columbia under a contract to be made by the Board of Public Welfare with the Attorney General at a rate of not to exceed $2 per day for each boy so committed; $1,852,900: Pro'vided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used for the maintenance of white girls in the National Training School for Girls: Provided further, That the salary of the superin- tendent of the National Training School for Girls shall be at the rate of $4,400 per annum. Capital outlay, protective institutions: For an additional amount for the construction of a third floor and a permanent roof to the hospital and administration building, District Training School, $52,000, and the appropriation $70,000 for the foregoing purpose, contained in the First Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1946, shall remain available until expended. Saint Elizabeths Hospital: For support of indigent insane of the District of Columbia in Saint Elizabeths Hospital, as provided by law, $6,229,000. Day-care centers: For all expenses necessary for the establish- ment, maintenance, and operation of a system of nurseries and nursery schools for the day care of children of school or under school age, including personal services, as authorized by Public Law 123, Eightieth Congress, approved June 27, 1947, $150,000: Provided, That no part of these funds shall be expended for the care of children the income of whose parents, parent, or guardian exceeds $2,600 per annum. The disbursing officer of the District of Columbia is authorized to advance to the Director of Public Welfare, upon requisitions previ- ously approved by the Auditor of the District and upon such security as the Commissioners may require of said Director, sums of money to be used for placing and visiting children; returning parolees; and deportation of nonresident insane persons; the total of such advancements not to exceed $2,000 at any one time. PUBLIC WORKS Operating expenses, office of chief clerk: For expenses for the office of chief clerk, including maintenance and repair of wharves; and $1,000 for affiliation with the National Safety Council, Incorporated; $71,000. Office of Municipal Architect: For expenses necessary for the Office of Municipal Architect, $88,400. All apportionments of appropriations for the use of the Office of Municipal Architect in payment of personal services employed on construction work provided for by said appropriations shall be based on an amount not exceeding 3 per centum of a total of not more than $2,000,000 of appropriations made for such construction projects and not exceeding 2 /4per centum of a total of the appropriations in excess of $2,000,000, and appropriations specifically made in this Act for the 439 Restriction on use of funds. Salary of superin- tendent. 59 Stat. 43. Ante, p. 188 . Restriction. Advanoes. Basis of apportion- ment.