Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/489

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61 STAT.] 8OTH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 337-JULY 25, 1947 supplies therefor; purchase of office furniture and equipment in addi- tion to that which may be purchased from the appropriation for contingent expenses of the Department; printing and binding, includ- ing the purchase of reprints of scientific and technical articles pub- lished in periodicals and journals, $750,000. Salaries and expenses, district offices: For necessary expenses of district offices for the administration and supervision of Indian Service activities, including printing and binding, $500,000. Salaries and expenses, reservation administration: For necessary expenses of reservation administration, including the maintenance of law and order among Indians, and pay of employees authorized by continuing or permanent treaty provisions, $2,000,000. Alaska native service: For expenses necessary to provide for the support, rehabilitation, education, conservation of health, develop- ment of resources, and relief of destitution of the natives of Alaska; the repair, rental, and equipment of school, hospital, and other build- ings; the purchase or erection of range cabins; the hire, repair, equip- ment, maintenance, and operation of vessels; and for the administra- tion of the Alaska native service, $3,500,000. Purchase and transportation of Indian supplies: For advertising, inspection, storage, printing and binding, and all other expenses inci- dent to the purchase of goods and supplies for the Indian Service and for payment of railroad, pipe-line, and other transportation costs of such goods and supplies, $660,000: Provided, That no part of this appropriation shall be used in payment for any services except bill therefor is rendered within one year from the time the service is performed. Maintenance of buildings and utilities: For expenses necessary to maintain buildings in the Indian Service, including the lease, pur- chase, construction (not to exceed $1,500 for any one building), repair and improvement of buildings; the installation, repair, and improvement of utility systems, $665,000. Education of Indians: For the support and education of Indian pupils in boarding and day schools and for other educational pur- poses, including educational facilities authorized by treaty pro- visions; tuition, care, and other expenses of Indian pupils attending public and private schools; support and education of deaf, dunb, blind, mentally deficient, or physically halndicapped; the tuition (which may be paid in advance) and other assistance of Indian pupils attending vocational or higher educational institutions under such regulations as the Secretary may prescribe; printing and bind- ing (including illustrations); the support of an arts and crafts build- ing at Anadarko, Oklahoma, and Indian museums at Rapid City, South Dakota, and Browning, Montana, and on the Fort Apache Reservation, Arizona; $11,139,700: Provided, That payment of tuition and care of Indian pupils may be made from date of admission. Conservation of health: For expenses necessary for the conserva- tion of health among Indians, transportation of patients and attend- ants to and from hospitals and sanitoria; returning to their former homes and interring the remains of deceased patients; clinical sur- veys and general medical research in connection with tuberculosis, trachoma, and venereal and other disease conditions among Indians, including cooperation with State and other organizations engaged in similar work and payment of travel expenses and per diem of physicians, nurses, and other persons whose services are donated by such organizations, and printing and binding, $7,000,000. 95347'--4 --pt. 1-30 465 Post, p. 943. Payment of tuition, etc. Pos, p. 621.