Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/499

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61 STAT.] 80rT CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 337-JULY 25, 1947 Kendrick project, Wyoming: Not to exceed $200,000 from the power revenues shall be available for the operation and maintenance of the power system; Riverton project, Wyoming: For operation and maintenance, $89,000: Provided,That not to exceed $48,300 from the power revenues shall be available for the operation and maintenance of the commercial system; Shoshone project, Wyoming: For operation and maintenance, $50,000: Provided,That not to exceed $79,400 from the power revenues shall be available for the operation and maintenance of the commercial system; GENERAL PROVISIONS Limitation of expenditures: Under the provisions of this Act no greater sum shall be expended, nor shall the United States be obligated to expend during the fiscal year 1948, on any reclamation project appropriated for herein under the reclamation fund, an amount in excess of the sum herein appropriated therefor, nor shall the whole expenditures or obligations incurred for all of such projects for the fiscal year 1948 exceed the whole amount in the reclamation fund for the fiscal year; Interchange of appropriations: Ten per centum of the foregoing amounts for operation and maintenance projects shall be available interchangeably for expenditures on the reclamation projects named; but not more than 10 per centum shall be added to the amount appro- priated for any one of said projects, except that should existing works or the water supply for lands under cultivation be endangered by floods or other unusual conditions, an amount sufficient to make neces- sary emergency repairs shall become available for expenditure by further transfer of appropriation from any of said projects upon approval of the Secretary; Total, from reclamation fund, $18,345,750. GENERAL FUND, CONSTRUOTION For continuation of construction of the following projects in not to exceed the following amounts to be immediately available to remain available until expended for carrying out projects (including the construction of transmission lines) previously or herein author- ized by Congress, and to be reimbursable under the reclamation law, except as provided in the Act of August 14, 1946 (Public Law 732), Seventy-ninth Congress: Gila project, Arizona, $1,400,000; Davis Dam project, Arizona-Nevada, $9,700,000; Central Valley project, California: Joint facilities, $690,000; irri- gation facilities, $5,622,028; power facilities, Shasta power plant, $427,800, Keswick Dam, $100,740, Keswick power plant, $218,040; transmission lines, Shasta to Delta, via Oroville and Sacramento, two hundred and thirty kilovolt, $256,680, Shasta Dam to Shasta substa- tion, two hundred and thirty kilovolt, $1,500,000, Keswick tap line, two hundred and thirty kilovolt, $160,000, Contra Costa Canal exten- sion, sixty-nine kilovolt, $118,000; substation, Contra Costa, $48,000; in all, $9,141,288; Kings River project, California, $100,000; Colorado-Big Thompson project, Colorado, $9,500,000; Hungry Horse project, Montana, $2,500,000; Columbia Basin project, Washington: For continuation of construc- tion and for other purposes authorized by the Columbia Basin Project Act of March 10, 1943 (57 Stat. 14), $17,500,000; Total, general fund, construction, $49,841,288. 475 s0 stat. 1WO. 16 U.S.0.i§661- "fc. Pod, p. 944. Pod, p. 944. Pot,p. 9. 16U.8.o. It83l- 83mL