Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/513

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 1 ST SESS.-CH. 337-JULY 25, 1947 and Navy Departments, the Civil Aeronautics Administration, and the War Assets Administration are authorized to transfer to the Fish and Wildlife Service aircraft for replacement purposes only (but not necessarily of the same size or type or at the same locations), and such other equipment, materials, and supplies (with an appraised value of not to exceed $500,000), surplus to the needs of such agencies, as may be required by said Service, such transfers to be without charge therefor; and in addition the Navy Department, the Coast Guard, and the Maritime Commission are authorized to transfer without charge therefor vessels for replacement purposes only (but not necessarily of the same size or type or at the same locations) marine engines, parts and accessories surplus to the needs of such agencies: Provided, That the authorization in this paragraph shall not be construed to deny to veterans the priority accorded to them in obtaining surplus property under Public Law 375, approved May 3, 1946. GOVERNMENT IN THE TERRITORIES TERRITORY OF ALASKA For necessary expenses of the offices of the Governor and the Secre- tary, including salaries of the Governor and Secretary; printing and binding; maintenance, repair, and preservation of Governor's house and grounds, $60,000, to be expended under the direction of the Governor. For the establishment and maintenance of public schools, Territory of Alaska, $50,000: Provided, That expenditures hereunder shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934. Insane of Alaska: For care and custody of persons legally adjudged insane in Alaska, including compensation and travel expenses of medi- cal supervisor, transportation, burial, and other expenses, $334,700: Provided, That authority is granted to the Secretary to pay from this appropriation to the Sanitarium Company, of Portland, Oregon, or to other contracting institution or institutions, for the care and maintenance of Alaskan insane patients during the fiscal year 1948: Provided further, That so much of this sum as may be required shall be available for all necessary expenses in ascertaining the residence of inmates and in returning those who are not legal residents of Alaska to their legal residence or to their friends, and the Secretary shall as soon as practicable, return to their places of residence or to their friends all inmates not residents of Alaska at the time they became insane, and the commitment papers for any person hereafter adjudged insane shall include a statement by the committing authority as to the legal residence of such person. For the construction, repair, and maintenance of roads, tramways, bridges, and trails, Territory of Alaska, $130,000, to be available until expended: Provided, That expenditures hereunder shall not exceed the aggregate receipts covered into the Treasury in accordance with section 4 of the Permanent Appropriation Repeal Act, 1934. For the construction, repair, and maintenance of roads, tramways, buildings, ferries, bridges, and trails, Territory of Alaska, to be expended under the provisions of the Act approved June 30, 1932 (48 U. S . C . 321a-321c), including surveys and plans for new road construction; services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 (Public Law 600), for the preparation of plans and specifica- tions for buildings; and printing and binding, $3,750,000. Richardson Highway: For continuation of construction of Richard- son Highway, Alaska, $250,000. 489 60 Stat. 168. §§ 1621,1622 ,1625 ,1627 . Public schools. 48 Stat. 1227. 31 U.S. C. §725c. Payments to Sani- tarium Company, Portland, Oreg. Return of inmates not residents of Alas- kit. Construction of roads, bridges, etc. Supm. 47 Stat. 446 . 48U. S. C. §§321a- 327. 60 Stat. 810 . 5 U.S. C. 55a.