Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/519

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CHS. 342, 343-JULY 26, 1947 individual or individuals so served in such armed forces, including the period up to the time it again resumes the status of an employer liable for contributions under this Act, provided it resumes such status within two years from the date of discharge of such individual or individuals or from the date of the termination of such war, which- ever date is the earlier. For the purposes of this paragraph (iv), in determining an employer's contribution rate his average annual pay roll shall be the average of his last three annual pay rolls." SEC. 2 . Section 3 (a) (9) (b) of the District of Columbia Unem- ployment Compensation Act is hereby amended to read as follows: "(b) The term 'average annual pay roll', except for the purposes of paragraph (4) (iv) of this subsection, means the average of the annual pay rolls of any employer for the three consecutive twelve- month periods ending ninety days prior to the computation date;". SEC. 3. The amendments made by this Act shall be effective with respect to employment on or after July 1, 1943. The amount of any contributions or interest thereon paid to the Board by any employer in excess of the amount such employer would have been required to pay if the amendments made by this Act had been in effect on and after July 1, 1943, shall, for the purposes of section 4 (i) of the Dis- trict of Columbia Unemployment Compensation Act, be subject to adjustment against subsequent contributions by him. Notwithstand- ing the period of limitation prescribed in such section 4 (i), the employing unit which paid such excess amount of contributions or interest thereon may make application under such section 4 (i) within one year after the date of the enactment of this Act for an adjustment thereof. Approved July 26, 1947. [CHAPTER 343] AN ACT To promote the national security by providing for a Secretary of Defense; for a National Military Establishment; for a Department of the Army, a Department of the Navy, and a Department of the Air Force; and for the coordination of the activities of the National Military Establishment with other departments and agencies of the Government concerned with the national security. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SHORT TITLE That this Act may be cited as the "National Security Act of 1947". TABLE OF CONTENTS Sec. 2 . Declaration of policy. TITLE I-COORDINATION FOB NATIONAL SECURITY Sec. 101. National Security Council. Sec. 102 . Central Intelligence Agency. Sec. 103 . National Security Resources Board. TITLE II-THE NATIONAL MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT Sec. 201. Sec. 202. Sec. 203 . Sec. 204 . Sec. 205. Sec. 206 . Sec. 207. Sec. 208 . Sec. 209. 495 Time limitation. 57 Stat. 108. D. C. Code, Supp. V, §46-303(a)(9)(b). " Average annual pay roll." Effective date. 57 Stat. 111. D. C. Code, Supp. V, §46-304(i). Application for ad- justment July 26, 1947 [S. 758] [Public Law 253] Post,p. 496 . Post, p. 499. National Military Establishment. Secretary of Defense. Military Assistants to the Secretary. Civilian personnel. Department of the Army. Department of the Navy. Department of the Air Force. United States Air Force. Effective date of transfers.