Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/546

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522 PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 354, 355 -JULY 30, 1947 [61 STAT. furnish authenticated or unauthenticated copies of any official books, records, papers, documents, maps, plats, or diagrams within his custody, and charge therefor a sum equal to the cost of production thereof, as determined by the Secretary of the Interior or such sub- Certificate, etc. ordinate official or employee as he may designate, and in addition the sum of 25 cents for each certificate or verification and the seal Copies for official attached to authenticated copies: Provided, That there shall be no charge for the making or verification of copies required for official use by the officers of any branch of the Government: Provided fur- tocOies for gSatui ther, That only a charge of 25 cents shall be made for furnishing authenticated copies of any rules, regulations, or instructions printed by the Government for gratuitous distribution. The money received for copies under this section shall be deposited in the Treasury to the credit of the appropriations then current and chargeable for the cost of furnishing copies as herein authorized. SEC. 2. Section 1of the Act of June 5,1920 (41 Stat. 908, 43 U.S. C., sec. 22) is amended by striking out the words "Provided, That here- after photolithographic copies of township plats shall be sold to the public at 50 cents each." Approved July 30, 1947. [CHAPTER 355] July 30,1947 AN ACT [H. R . 3075] To amend the Act of July 6, 1945, relating to the classification and compensation [Public Law 265] of employees of the postal service, so as to provide proper recompense in the form of compensatory time for overtime performed by supervisors. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Postal servioe. United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act known as Public Law 134, Seventy-ninth Congress, entitled "An Act to reclassify the salaries of postmasters, officers, and employees of the Postal Service; to establish uniform procedures for computing com- 0sUta 86-5 pensation; and for other purposes, approved July 6, 1945, is amended 876. as follows: Ante, p. 57. Section 3 is amended as follows: Componsatory "SEC. 3. When the needs of the service require employees to per- 59 Stat. 435. form service on Saturdays, Sundays, or holidays, they shall be allowed 39 U. S. S. compensatory time for such service on one day within five working days next succeeding the Saturday or Sunday and within thirty days Ptlnaym"t of oe next succeeding the holiday: 'rovided, I'That the I'ostmaster ( eneral )ccember. may, if the exigencies of the service require, authorize the payment of overtime to employees other than supervisory employees whose base salaries are more than $3,600 per annum for services performed on Saturdays, Sundays, and Christmas Day during the month of Decem- Supervisory e m - ber in lieu of compensatory time: Providedfurther, That supervisory employees shall be allowed compensatory time for services performed in excess of eight hours per day, and those whose base salaries are more than $3,600 per annum shall be allowed compensatory time for services performed on Saturdays, Sundays, and on Christmas Day during the month of December within one hundred and eighty days from the days such service was performed: And provided further, onapplicbty That the provisions of this section shall not apply to employees of the Railway Mail Service and the Air Mail Service: post-office inspectors; rural carriers; traveling mechanicians; examiners of equipment and supplies: clerks in third-class post offices; and employees paid on an hourly basis." Approved July 30, 1947.