Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/562

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 356-JULY 30, 1947 36 Stat. 963. Direct purchases. Homestead lands. 34 Stat. 233; 37 Stat. 287, 842. 45 Stat. 699-702. 16U. S.C. j 581a. 16 U. S.C. §581f. 16 U.S.C. §581g. 16 U.S. C. §§581h, 5811. for expenses of the National Forest Reservation Commission as author- ized by section 14 of the Act of March 1, 1911 (16 U. S. C. 514), $650,000. National forest protection and management: For the adminis- tration, protection, use, maintenance, improvement, and develop- ment of the national forests, including the establishment and main- tenance of forest tree nurseries, including the procurement of tree seed and nursery stock by purchase, production, or otherwise, seeding and tree planting and the care of plantations and young growth; the operation and maintenance of aircraft and the purchase of not to exceed four; the maintenance of roads and trails and the construc- tion and maintenance of all other improvements necessary for the proper and economical administration, protection, development, and use of the national forests, including experimental areas under Forest Service administration, except that where, in the opinion of the Secretary, direct purchases will be more economical than construc- struction, improvements may be purchased; the construction (not to exceed $10,000 for any one structure), equipment, and mainte- nance of sanitary and recreational facilities; control of destructive forest tree diseases and insects; timber cultural operations; develop- ment and application of fish and game management plans; propa- gation and transplanting of plants suitable for planting on semiarid portions of the national forests; estimating and appraising of timber and other resources and development and application of plans for their effective management, sale, and use; examination, classification, surveying, and appraisal of land incident to effecting exchanges author- ized by law and of lands within the boundaries of the national for- ests that may be opened to homestead settlement and entry under the Act of June 11, 1906, and the Act of August 10, 1912 (16 U. S . C. 506-509), as provided by the Act of March 4, 1913 (16 U. S. C. 512) ; investigation and establishment of water rights, including the pur- chase thereof or of lands or interests in lands or rights-of-way for use and protection of water rights necessary or beneficial in connec- tion with the administration and public use of the national forests; and all expenses necessary for the use, maintenance, improvement, protection, and general administration of the national forests, $24,014,891 of which not to exceed $25,000 shall be available for the purchase of one nursery site. Fighting forest fires: For fighting and preventing forest fires on or threatening lands under Forest Service administration, including lands under contract for purchase or in process of condemnation for Forest Service purposes, $100,000, which amount shall also be avail- able for meeting obligations of the preceding fiscal year. Forest research: For forest research in accordance with the pro- visions of sections 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the Act approved May 22, 1928, as amended (16 U. S . C. 581, 581a, 581f-581i), including the construction and maintenance of improvements, as follows: Forest and range management investigations: Fire, silvicultural, watershed, and other forest investigations and experiments under said section 2, as amended, and investigations and experiments to develop improved methods of management of forest and other ranges under section 7, at forest or range experiment stations or elsewhere, $2,475,000. Forest products: Experiments, investigations, and tests of forest products under section 8, at the Forest Products Laboratory, or else- where, $1,250,0002 of which at least $11,050 shall be expended for research in the utilization of waste woods. Forest resources investigations: A comprehensive forest survey under section 9, and investigations in forest economics under section 10, $822,000. [61 STAT.