Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/589

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 357-JULY 30, 1947 disability allowance, disability compensation, or retired pay (where retirement has been made on account of physical disability or age) from the Government of the United States: Provided,That nothing herein shall be construed as barring the continuance of adjutants general in a federally recognized status without pay under this Act. ORGANIZED RESERVES For pay and allowances, not otherwise provided for, of members of the Officers' Reserve Corps (including nurses) and Reserve warrant officers on active duty in accordance with law; mileage, reimbursement of actual traveling expenses, or per diem allowances in lieu thereof, as authorized by law; travel in kind, or reimbursement in lieu thereof, as now authorized by law for officers of the Regular Army, of depend- ents of Reserve officers and Reserve warrant officers who have been ordered to active duty for periods in excess of fifteen days; personal services; pay, transportation, subsistence, clothing, and medical and hospital treatment of members of the Enlisted Reserve Corps; con- ducting correspondence or extension courses for instruction of mem- bers of the Reserve Corps, including necessary supplies, procurement of maps and textbooks; transportation and traveling expenses of employees; purchase of training manuals, including Government publications and blank forms; establishment, maintenance, and opera- tion of Organized Reserve headquarters, aviation facilities and camps for training of the Organized Reserves; arms, equipment, supplies, and materiel (not otherwise provided for) required to arm and equip Organized Reserve organizations; miscellaneous expenses incident to the administration of the Organized Reserves; mileage, actual and necessary expenses, or per diem in lieu thereof, at rates authorized by law, incurred by officers and enlisted men of the Regular Army and Reserve officers and Reserve warrant officers ordered to active duty for periods in excess of fifteen days traveling on duty in connection with the Organized Reserves, and for travel of dependents, and packing and transportation of baggage of such personnel; expenses incident to the use, including upkeep and depreciation costs, of sup- plies, equipment, and materie furnished from stocks under the control of the War Department; transportation of baggage, including packing and crating, of Reserve officers and Reserve warrant officers ordered to active duty for not less than six months; medical and hospital treat- ment of members of the Officers' Reserve Corps and of the Enlisted Reserve Corps who suffer injury or contract disease in line of duty, as provided by the Act of June 15, 1936 (10 U. S . C . 455), and such other purposes in connection therewith as are authorized by the said Act, including pay and allowances, subsistence, transportation, and burial expenses; in all, $67,828,900. None of the funds appropriated elsewhere in this Act, except for printing and binding, field exercises, and for pay and allowances of officers and enlisted men of the Army of the United States, and for mileage, reimbursement of actual traveling expenses, or per diem allowances in lieu thereof, and travel of dependents or reimbursement therefor, as athorized by law, to Reserve officers on extended active duty, shall be used for expenses in connection with the Organized Reserves, but available supplies and existing facilities at military posts shall be utilized to the fullest extent practicable. No appropriation made in this Act shall be available for pay, allowances, or traveling or other expenses of any officer of the Organ- ized Reserves who may be drawing a pension, disability allowance, disability compensation, or retired pay from the Government of the United States. 565 Status of adjutants general. Officers' Reserve Corps, etc. Enlisted Reserve Corps. Medical and hos- pital treatment. 49 Stat. 1507. o10U . c. . 451- 455d. Restriction on use of funds. Restriction on pay and expenses.