Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/596

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 357-JULY 30, 1947 Maintenance of prisoners of war, etc. Gages, dies, jigs, etc. 39 Stat. 213, 215. 50 U. . C.0. 80, 78. Family allowance, audit work. 56 Stat. 381. 37 U. S. C.O. 201- 221. Allowance for rental of quarters. 66 Stat. 359. 37U.S.C.if101 120. Ante, pp . 52, 92,134 , 192,242; post, p. 888 . 5U. .C.§947. 60 Stat. 219. 5 U. s.C. 947(g)(1). Ante, p. 22. SEC. 12 . The Secretary of War is authorized to utilize any appro- priation available for the Military Establishment, under such regu- lations as he may prescribe, for expenses incident to the maintenance, pay, and allowances of prisoners of war, other persons in Army custody whose status is determined by the Secretary of War to be similar to prisoners of war, and persons detained in Army custody pursuant to Presidential proclamation. SEC. 13. The appropriations contained in this Act which are avail- able for the procurement or manufacture of munitions of war of special or technical design may be used for the development and procurement of gages, dies, jigs, and other special aids and appliances, production studies, factory plans, and other production data, includ- ing specifications and detailed drawings, in accordance with the provisions of sections 120 and 123 of the National Defense Act, as amended. Such appropriations may also be used for the purchase of letters patent, applications for letters patent, and licenses under letters patent and applications for letters patent that pertain to such equipment or material for which the appropriations are made. SEC. 14. None of the moneys appropriated by this or any other Act shall be available to the War Department or the Military Estab- lishment for audit work for the purpose of reconciling family allow- ance pay-roll deductions made by disbursing officers in the field with family allowance payments to dependents of military personnel under the provisions of the Servicemen's Dependents Allowance Act of 1942. SEC. 15. During the fiscal year 1948 occupancy of Government facilities under the jurisdiction of the Military Establishment on a rental basis by personnel of the services mentioned in the title of the Pay Readjustment Act of 1942 or by their dependents shall not deprive such personnel of money allowances for rental of quarters. SEC. 16. The limitation imposed by section 14 of the Act of May 24, 1946 (60 Stat. 219), with respect to War Department personnel, shall not apply to the War Department with respect to employment of and payment to personnel engaged on orders and work received from and financed by the Navy Department or other Federal agencies if such personnel is charged to a ceiling determination for another agency under 607 (g) (1) of the Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945, as amended, or the National Guard, and Organized Reserves of the Army or to employee personnel engaged in demilitarization of ammunition and materiel. TITLE II-SURPLUS APPROPRIATION RESCISSIONS SEC. 201. Appropriations for the Military Establishment available in the fiscal year 1946 and prior years are hereby reduced in the sums hereinafter set forth, such sums to be carried to the surplus fund and covered into the Treasury immediately upon the approval of this Act: Office of Secretary of War: Contingencies of the Army, 1942-1946, $5,000,000. Expediting production of equipment and supplies for national defense, 1940-1946, $20,000,000. General Staff Corps: Contingent Fund, Chief of Staff, 1942-1946, $3,000,000. Special Field Exercises, Army, 1942-1946, $3,300,000. Army War College: Army War College, 1942-1946, $2,500. Adjutant General's Department: Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, 1942-1946, $7,000. 572 [61 STAT.