Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/616

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 359-JULY 30, 1947 60 Stat. 843. 28U.S.C.i 921, 922. 58 Stat. 394. 39U.S. .. 321d. 64 Stat. 1128 . 15U.. c.. 68- 681. determined and settled pursuant to part 2 of the Federal Tort Claims Act (Act of August 2, 1946, Public Law 601); contract stenographic reporting services; newspapers not to exceed $500; not to exceed $8,000 for deposit in the general fund of the Treasury for cost of penalty mail as required by section 2 of the Act of June 28, 1944; and purchase of one passenger motor vehicle; $2,900,120, of which not less than $228,695 shall be available for the enforcement of the Wool Products Labeling Act: Provided, That no part of the funds appropriated herein for the Federal Trade Commission shall be expended upon any investigation hereafter provided by concurrent resolution of the Congress until funds are appropriated subsequently to the enactment of such resolution to finance the cost of such investigation. Printing and binding: For all printing and binding for the Federal Trade Commission, $55,000. FEDERAL WORKS AGENCY Ate, p. 422 . OFFICE OF THE ADMINISTRATOR Salaries and expenses: For salaries and expenses in the Office of the Administrator in the District of Columbia, including the salaries of an Assistant Administrator and a general counsel at $10,000 each per annum; printing and binding (not to exceed $6,000); purchase of newspapers and periodicals (not to exceed $150); health service pro- 60Stat. 0. gram as authorized by the Act of August 8, 1946 (Public Law 658); 5 U.S C. preparation, shipment, and installation of photographic displays, exhibits, and other descriptive materials; purchase of one passenger motor vehicle (not to exceed $2,500); travel expenses; not to exceed 6 Stat. 810. $4,000 for temporary services as authorized by section 15 of the Act 5U. S. C. of August 2, 1946 (Public Law 600) but at rates for individuals not in excess of $35 (unless a higher rate, not exceeding $50, shall be approved by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget) per diem; $344,540. Public Works Administration liquidation: The funds made avail- able for "Public Works Administration liquidation" by the Second Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1944, as amended by the First Deficiency Appropriation Act 1945, the First Deficiency Appropriation Act, so stat. 602; 59 Stat. 19462 and the Third Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1946, are hereby 80, 638; 60 Stat. 611. continued available until June 30, 1948, of which not to exceed $33,000 shall be available for administrative expenses during the fiscal year 1948. Penalty mail costs: For deposit in the general fund of the Treasury for cost of penalty mail of the Federal Works Agency as required by 5 Stat. 394. - the Act of June 28, 1944, $30,000. 39U.S.C.if321ca 32. Damage claims: For claims arising from the activity of the Federal 60 tat. 842. Works Agency, determined and settled pursuant to the Federal Tort 928 U. . C. 921, Claims Act, $10,000. 9WA 931-934, 941 -946 . Post, p. 722. Post, p. 697 . Repair, operation, etc. 36 Stat. 537 . PUBLIC BUILDINGS ADMINISTRATION For carrying into effect the provisions of the Public Buildings Acts, as provided in section 6 of the Act of May 30, 1908 (31 U. S. C. 683), and for the repair, preservation, and upkeep of all completed public buildings under the control of the Federal Works Agency, the mechan- ical equipment and the grounds thereof, and sites acquired for buildings, and for the operation of certain completed and occupied buildings under the control of the Federal Works Agency, including furniture and repairs thereof, but exclusive, with respect to operation, of buildings of the United States Coast Guard, of hospitals, quarantine 592 [61 STAT.