Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/618

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 359-JULY 30, 1947 lighting, rental of buildings and equipment, supplies, materials, fur- nishings and equipment, personal services in the District of Columbia, arms, ammunition, uniforms for guards and elevator conductors, expenses incident to moving Government agencies in connection with the assignment, allocation, and transfer of building space, the restora- se of present fur- tion of leased premises, $20,608,000: Provided,That all furniture now owned by the United States in other public buildings or in buildings rented by the United States shall be used, so far as practicable, whether or not it corresponds with the present regulation plan for furniture. Perdiem employees. Under the appropriations for salaries and expenses, public buildings and grounds in and outside the District of Columbia, per diem employees may be paid at rates approved by the Commissioner of Public Buildings not exceeding current rates for similar services in the place where such services are employed, and such employees in emergencies may be entered on duty subject to confirmation by the Federal Works Administrator. Communication The appropriations for salaries and expenses, public buildings and grounds in and outside the District of Columbia, shall be available for printing and binding and for communication services serving one or veh to mo t or more governmental activities, and for services to motor vehicles, and where such services, together with quarters, maintenance, or other services, are furnished on a reimbursable basis to any governmental activity, such activity shall make payment therefor promptly by check upon the request of the Public Buildings Administration, either in advance or after the service has been furnished, for deposit to the credit of the applicable appropriation, of all or part of the estimated or actual cost thereof, as the case may be, proper adjustment upon the Trbanser , asis of actual cost to be made for services paid for in advance. ettar. us, Return of departmental functions to the seat of government: For all expenses, including personal services in the District of Columbia and travel and other expenses of the Public Buildings Adminis- tration incident thereto, necessary to provide for the transfer to the seat of government of such bureaus, offices, agencies, or activities of the Federal Government as are designated from time to time by the President, which were removed from, or established at places other than, the seat of government by reason of the national emergency, including the expenses of travel of employees transferred; trans- portation of immediate families of employees; the expenses of packing, crating, drayage transportation, temporary storage, unpack- ing, and uncrating of household goods and personal effects, in accordance with regulations approved by the President; and the payment to employees of special allowances at $5 per day after arrival at destination for six days for employees, plus $2.50 per day additional for six days for each member of immediate families of employees; nture,et. $900,000, to remain available until expended: Provided,That removal to the seat of government of Government-owned or leased furniture, equipment, supplies, and other property and household goods and personal effects of employees, and costs of restoration of leased office space when required, may be accomplished without regard to section Transfer ofi s. 3709 of the Revised Statutes: Provided further, That such sums as may be determined by the Commissioner of Public Buildings to be necessary therefor may be transferred to other agencies concerned for the payment to the transferred employees of the allowances mentioned herein. Site and building, west central heating plant, Washington, District of Columbia: For an additional amount for "Site and building, west central heating plant, Washington, District of Columbia", including the objects specified under this head in the First Supplemental Civil [61 STAT.