Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/620

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 359-JULY 30, 1947 and $2,116,904, the latter sums being for the reimbursement of the sums expended for the repair or reconstructin of highways and bridges which have been damaged or destroyed by floods, hurricanes, or landslides, as provided for by section 3 of the Act approved June 48Stat. 994; 57tat. 18, 1934 (Public Law 393), and by section 7 of the Act approved 23U.s. . i13a, July 13, 1943 (Public Law 146): Provided,That none of the money 3bonvict labor. herein appropriated shall be paid to any State on account of any project on which convict labor shall be employed, except this provision shall not apply to convict labor performed by convicts on parole Caargesfor desig- or probation: Provided further, That, during the fiscal year 1948, whenever performing authorized engineering or other services in connection with the survey, construction, and maintenance, or improve- ment of roads for other Government agencies, cooperating foreign countries and State cooperating agencies the charge for such services may include depreciation on engineering and road-building equipment used, and the amounts received on account of such charges shall be Wacrets mante- credited to the appropriation concerned: Provided further, That during the fiscal year 1948 the appropriations for the work of the Public Roads Administration shall be available for meeting the expenses of warehouse maintenance and the procurement, care, and handling of supplies, materials, and equipment stored therein for distribution to projects under the supervision of the Public Roads Administration, and for sale and distribution to other Government activities, cooperating foreign countries and State cooperating agencies, the cost of such supplies and materials or the value of such equipment (including the cost of transportation and handling) to be reimbursed to appropriations current at the time additional supplies, materials, or equipment are procured, from the appropriation chargeable with the cost or value of such supplies, materials, or Medical supplies, equipment: Provided further, That the appropriations available to etc., Inemergencies. the Public Roads Administration may be used in emergency for medical supplies and services and other assistance necessary for the immediate relief of employees engaged on hazardous work under Temporary rvices. that Administration, and (not exceeding $15,000) for temporary 60 stat. 810. services as authorized by section 15 of the Act of August 2, 1946 . (Public Law 600), but at rates for individuals not in excess of $35 (unless a higher rate, not exceeding $50, shall be approved by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget) per diem. Inter-American For all necessary expenses to enable the President to utilize the Fulfillment o U.s. services of the Public Roads Administration in fulfilling the obliga- obliion. tions of the United States under the Convention on the Pan-American Highway Between the United States and Other American Republics, signed at Buenos Aires, December 23, 1936, and proclaimed September 16, 1937 (51 Stat. 152), for the continuation of cooperation with several governments, members of the Pan American Union, in con- nection with the survey and construction of the Inter-American Highway as provided in public resolution, approved March 4, 1929 45 tat. 1697. (Public Resolution 104), as amended or supplemented, and for per- orming engineering service in pan-American countries for and upon the request of any agency or governmental corporation of the United States, $100,000 to be derived from the administrative funds provided 48tat. 27. under the Act of July 11, 1916, as amended or supplemented (23 U. S . C . 21), or as otherwise provided. FEDERAL-AID SECONDARY OR FEEDER ROADS For secondary or feeder roads, including farm-to-market roads, rural-free-delivery mail roads, and public-school bus routes, $3,000,000, to be immediately available and to remain available until expended, 596 [61 STAT.