Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/655

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 384-JULY 30, 1947 "SEC. 12 . That upon the arrival of any alien, United States citizen, or national, by water at any port within the United States on the North American Continent from a foreign port or port of Guam, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, or other insular possession of the United States, or at any port of the said insular possessions from any foreign port, from a port in the United States on the North American Continent, or from a port of another insular possession of the United States, it shall be the duty of the master or commanding officer, owners, or consignees of the steamer, sailing, or other vessel, having said alien, United States citizen, or national on board to deliver to the immigration officers at the port of arrival typewritten or printed lists or manifests made at the time and place of embarkation of such alien, United States citizen, or national on board such steamer or vessel, and such lists or manifests shall be in such form and contain such information as the Commis- sioner of Immigration and Naturalization, with the approval of the Attorney General, shall by regulation prescribe as necessary for the identification of the persons transported and for the enforcement of the immigration laws. That it shall further be the duty of the master or commanding officer of every vessel taking passengers from any port of the United States on the North American Continent to a foreign port or a port of Guam, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, or other insular posses- sion of the United States, or from any port of the said insular posses- sions to any foreign port, to a port of the United States on the North American Continent, or to a port of another insular possession of the United States to file with the immigration officials before departure a list of all aliens, United States citizens, or nationals, taken on board, said list to be in such form and to contain such information as the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization, with the approval of the Attorney General, shall by regulation prescribe as necessary for the identification of the persons transported and for the enforcement of the immigration laws. No master or commanding officer of any such vessel shall be granted clearance papers for his vessel until he has deposited such list or lists with the immigration officials at the port of departure and made oath that they are full and complete as to the information required to be contained therein. Any neglect or omission to comply with the requirements of this section shall be pun- ishable as provided in section 14 of this Act: Provided,That in the case of vessels making regular trips to ports of the United States the Com- missioner of Immigration and Naturalization, with the approval of the Attorney General, may, when expedient, arrange for the delivery of lists of outgoing aliens, United States citizens, or nationals at a later date: Providedfu/rther, That it shall be the duty of immigration officials to record the following information regarding every resident alien and citizen or national leaving the United States by way of the Canadian or Mexican borders for permanent residence in a foreign country: Names, age, and sex; whether married or single; calling or occupation; whether able to read or write; nationality; country of birth; country of which citizen or subject; race; last permanent resi- dence in the United States; intended future permanent residence; and time and port of last arrival in the United States; and if a United States citizen, or national, the facts on which claim to that status is based." Approved July 30, 1947. Delivery of list of aliens, etc., at port of arrival. Filing before depar. ture of list of aliens, etc., taken on board. Oranting of clear- ance papers. Penalty. 31)Stat. 884 . 8t. .C.I150. I)elivery of lists at later dato. Information to be recorded.