Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/660

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636 PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 388 -JULY 30, 1947 [61 STAT. STATUTES AT LARGE; CONTENTS; ADMISSIBILITY IN EVIDENCE § 112. The Secretary of State shall cause to be compiled, edited, indexed, and published, the United States Statutes at Large, which shall contain all the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during each regular session of Congress; all treaties to which the United States is a party that have been proclaimed since the date of the adjournment of the regular session of Congress next preceding; all international agreements other than treaties to which the United States is a party that have been signed, proclaimed, or with reference to which any other final formality has been executed, since that date; all proclamations by the President in the numbered series issued since that date; and also any amendments to the Constitution of the United States proposed or ratified pursuant to article V thereof since that date, together with the certificate of the Secretary of State issued in compliance with the provision contained in section 160 of title 5. In the event of an extra session of Congress, the Secretary of State shall cause all the laws and concurrent resolutions enacted during said extra session to be consolidated with, and published as part of, the contents of the volume for the next regular session. The United States Statutes at Large shall be legal evidence of laws, concurrent resolutions, treaties, international agreements other than treaties, proclamations by the President, and proposed or ratified amendments to the Constitution of the United States therein contained, in all the courts of the United States, the several States, and the Territories and insular possessions of the United States. "LATTLE AND BROWN'S" EDITION OF LAWS AND TREATIES; ADMISSIBILTY IN EVIDENCE § 113. The edition of the laws and treaties of the United States, published by Little and Brown, shall be competent evidence of the several public and private Acts of Congress, and of the several treaties therein contained mi all the courts of law and equity and of maritime jurisdiction, and in all the tribunals and public officers of the United States, and of the several States, without any further proof or authentication thereof. SEALING OF INSTRUMENTS § 114. In all cases where a seal is necessary by law to any commis- sion, process, or other instrument provided for by the laws of Con- gress, it shall be lawful to affix the proper seal by making an impression therewith directly on the paper to which such seal is necessary; which shall be as valid as if made on wax or other adhesive substance. CHAPTER 3 -C ODE OF LAWS OF UNITED STATES AND SUPPLEMENTS; DISTRITr OF COLUMBIA CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS j 201. Publication and distribution of Code of Laws of United States and Supple- ments and District of Columbia Code and Supplements. (a) Publishing in slip or pamphlet form or in Statutes at Large. (b) Curtailing number of copies published. (c) Dispensing with publication of more than one Supplement for each Congress. § 202. Preparation and publication of Codes and Supplements. (a) Cumulative Supplements to Code of Laws of United States for each session of Congress. (b) Cumulative Supplement to District of Columbia Code for each session of Congress. (c) New editions of Codes and Supplements. § 203. District of Columbia Code; preparation and publication; cumulative sup- plements.