Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/664

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 388-JULY 30,1947 DISTRIBUTION OF SUPPLEMENTS TO CODE OF LAWS OF UNITED STATES AND OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA CODE AND SUPPLEMENTS; SLIP AND PAMPHLET COPIES § 210. Copies of the Code of Laws relating to the District of Columbia, and of the supplements provided for by sections 202, 203 of this title shall be distributed by the Superintendent of Docu- ments in the same manner as bound volumes of the Statutes at Large: Provided,That no slip or pamphlet copies of the Code of Laws relat- ing to the District of Columbia, and of the supplements provided for by sections 202, 203 of this title need be printed or distributed. COPIES TO MEMBERS OF CONGRESS § 211. In addition to quotas provided for by section 210 of this title there shall be printed, published, and distributed of the Code of Laws relating to the District of Columbia with tables, index, and other ancillaries, suitably bound and with thumb inserts and other convenient devices to distinguish the parts, and of the supplements to both codes as provided for by sections 202, 203 of this title, ten copies of each for each Member of the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the Congress in which the original authorized publica- tion is made, for his use and distribution, and in addition for the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives and the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate a number of bound copies of each equal to ten times the number of members of such committees, and one bound copy of each for the use of each com- mittee of the Senate and House of Representatives. ADDITIONAL DISTRIBUTION AT EACH NEW CONGRESS § 212. In addition the Superintendent of Documents shall, at the beginning of the first session of each Congress, supply to each Senator and Representative in such Congress, who may in writing apply for the same, one copy each of the Code of Laws of the United States, the Code of Laws relating to the District of Columbia, and the latest supplement to each code: Provided, That such applicant shall certify in his written application for the same that the volume or volumes for which he applies is intended for his personal use exclusively: And provided further, That no Senator or Representative during his term of service shall receive under this section more than one copy each of the volumes enumerated herein. APPROPRIATION FOR PREPARING AND EDITING SUPPLEMENTS § 213. For preparation and editing an annual appropriation of $6,500 is authorized to carry out the purposes of sections 202 and 203 of this title. Repe bs. SEc. 2 . The sections or parts thereof of the Statutes at Large or the Revised Statutes covering provisions codified in this Act are hereby repealed insofar as such provisions appeared in title 1, United States Code, 1940 edition, as shown by the appended table: Provided That any rights or liabilities now existing under such repealed sections or parts thereof shall not be affected by such repeal. [61 STAT.