Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/74

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 38 -APR . 16 , 1947 Physical disability. (f) An officer of the Nurse Corps retired by reason of physical dis- ability incurred in the line of duty shall, if placed on the retired list in a rank higher than her permanent rank, receive retired pay equal to 75 per centum of active-duty pay to which she would be entitled if serving, at the time of retirement, on active duty in the rank in which placed upon the retired list. Retired pay. (g) An officer of the Nurse Corps retired other than by reason of physical disability incurred in the line of duty shall, if placed on the retired list in a rank higher than her permanent rank, receive retired pay equal to 21/2 per centum of the active-duty pay to which she would be entitled if serving, at the time of retirement, on active duty in the rank in which placed upon the retired list, multiplied by the number of years for which entitled to credit in the computation of her active- duty pay, not to exceed a total of 75 per centum of said active-duty pay. Fractional year. (h) In any instance in which retired pay is computed as prescribed in subsections (e) and (g) of this section, a fractional year of six months or more shall be considered a full year in computing the num- ber of years by which the rate of 2/2 per centum is multiplied. voServcy reit emeo (i) The number of years service to be credited to officers of the ve Navy Nurse Corps in determining their eligibility for voluntary retirement shall be based on the total of all active service either under an appointment or contract or as a commissioned officer in the Nurse Corps of the Army or Navy, or the reserve components thereof and all active service in the Nurse Corps or the Nurse Corps Reserve abol- ished by this Act shall, for this purpose only, be regarded as commis- sioned service in the Navy or the reserve components thereof, as the case may be. Title and uniform. (j) Retired officers of the Navy Nurse Corps shall be authorized to bear the title, and, under such regulations as may be prescribed by the Secretary of the Navy, to wear the uniform of the rank with which retired. Allowances be ne SEC. 208. (a) All provisions of law relating to pay, leave, money allowances for subsistence and rental of quarters, mileage and other travel allowances, or other allowances, benefits, or emoluments, of male officers of the Navy, except those provisions relating to the same subject matter provided for in subsection (b) of this section, Dependents. are hereby made applicable to officers of the Nurse Corps: Provided That the husbands of officers of the Navy Nurse Corps shall not be considered dependents of such officers unless they are in fact dependent on their wives for their chief support, and the children of such officers shall not be considered dependents unless their father is dead or they are in fact dependent on their mother for their chief Subsistence and support: Provided further, That officers of the Nurse Corps may be subsisted in hospital messes in accordance with section 17 (a) of the 60 tat. 855 . Act of August 2, 1946 (Public Law 604, Seventy-ninth Congress, 34U. s.c. §901a. second session), and such officers may be assigned quarters in naval hospitals under such regulations as the Secretary of the Navy may prescribe. Longevity pay. (b) Longevity pay for officers of the Navy Nurse Corps shall be based upon the total of all periods of active service during which they have held or shall hold appointments as nurses or as commis- sioned officers in the Nurse Corps of the Army, Navy, or Public Health Service, or the reserve components thereof. Terminationofcor. SEC 209. Th Sec r Term. at i n n fm o ' . - SEC. 209. The Secretary of the Navy, under the circumstances and in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the President, may terminate the commission of any officer commissioned in the Nurse Corps established by this title. 34 U.S. . 8a. SEC. 210. The Naval Reserve Act of 1938 (52 Stat. 1175), as . C. . amended, is hereby further amended by adding after section 508 thereof an additional title as follows: [61 STAT.