Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/754

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PUBLIC LAWS-CHS. 455, 456-AUG. 4,1947 Nonliability fr SEC. 3 . Whenever any check, draft, or warrant, drawn upon the paymeTreasurer of the United States or upon the Treasurer of the United States through any Federal Reserve bank or any public debt obliga- tion of the United States, including any obligation of any type what- ever, the payment of which is guaranteed by, or assumed by, the United States, heretofore has been or hereafter may be paid in due course and without negligence by or on behalf of the Treasurer of the United States, the Treasurer shall not be liable for any such payment, and the Comptroller General of the United States is hereby authorized and directed to allow credit in the Treasurer's account for such payment: aCiv yor f cri m na Provided, That nothing contained in this section shall be construed to relieve any person, other than the Treasurer of the United States, from any civil or criminal liability now existing or which may here- after exist on account of any such check, draft, warrant or public debt obligation. JcrtRW na s ounts. SEC. 4. The Comptroller General of the United States is authorized and directed to allow credit in the accounts of J. W. Reynar, certifying officer, Division of Disbursement, Treasury Department, on account of charges raised by the General Accounting Office in an amount not Certificaton. to exceed $217.61: Provided,That the Secretary of the Treasury shall certify to the said Comptroller General that the payments against which charges are raised appear to have been made without fraud on the part of the certifying officer. w. A .Juuian. SE o. 5. The Comptroller General of the United States is authorized and directed to allow credit in the accounts of W. A. Julian, Treas- urer of the United States, for a sum not to exceed $6,680.06, represent- ing unadjusted differences which occurred in the preparation of state- ments of disbursing officers' accounts during the period from Novem- ber 1, 1944, to October 31, 1945. Appropriaton. SEC. 6. There is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treas- ury not otherwise appropriated, not to exceed the sum of $1,351.85, of which amount (a) not to exceed the sum of $66 shall be credited to the accounts of G. F . Allen, former Chief Disbursing Officer, Division of Disbursement, Treasury Department, to the extent necessary to adjust an overdraft of $56 resulting from overpayments by his checks numbered 3,503,191 and 3,503,192, dated October 29, 1942, disbursing symbol 1-100, and to adjust an overpayment of $10 on account of check numbered 1,533,782, dated October 20, 1942, disbursing symbol 87-407; Adjustment,etc. and (b) not to exceed the sum of $1,285.85 shall be credited to the Treasurer's account to the extent necessary to adjust unavailable items resulting from certain shortages, payment of original and duplicates of five checks, claim of nonreceipt of one check which was mislaid after payment by the Treasurer, and the loss of fifteen redeemed Consoli- dated Federal Farm Loan coupons, as listed in letter of March 7, 1947, of the Acting Secretary of the Treasury to the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Approved August 4, 1947. [CHAPTER 456] August 4,1947 AN ACT p. R. 3045] To authorize the Recorder of Deeds of the District of Columbia to purchase [Public Law 334] machines for the recording of deeds, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Recorder of Deeds, United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Recorder chase of reord- of Deeds of the District of Columbia is authorized and empowered to purchase such machines and equipment as he may deem necessary or expedient for the efficient, expeditious, and economical recording of all deeds and other instruments of writing entitled by law to be 730 [61 STAT.