Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/79

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CHS. 42, 43 -APR . 28 , 1947 to exchange sites at Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, for Coast Guard purposes", as amended (Public Law Numbered 655, Seventy- ninth Congress; 60 Stat. 901),is hereby amended by striking out "six months' and inserting in lieu thereof "twelve months". Approved April 28, 1947. [CHAPTER 43] AN ACT April 28, 1947 To provide for a six months' extension and final liquidation of the farm labor [HI.R. 2102] supply program, and for other purposes. [Public Law 40] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the farm labor supply program conducted pursuant to the Farm Labor Supply Appropriation Act, 1944 (Public Law 229, Seventy-eighth Congress, second session, title I), as amended and supplemented, including the exemptions relating to the admission of farm laborers authorized by section 5 (g) of such Act, may be continued up to and including December 31, 1947, and thereafter shall be liquidated within thirty days. In order to continue to make available for the purposes of this program all labor-supply centers, labor homes, labor camps, and facilities heretofore available in this program, section 2 (d) of the Farmers' Home Administration Act of 1946 (Public Law 731, Sev- enty-ninth Congress, second session) is hereby amended by deleting therefrom the following language: "or until six months after the ter- mination df the present hostilities as determined by concurrent reso- lution of the Congress or by the President, whichever is the earlier" and inserting in lieu thereof the following language: "or January 30, 1948, whichever is the earlier". Such amounts as may be necessary for the continuance and liquidation of such program as provided in this Act are hereby authorized to be appropriated. SEC. 2 . Upon the enactment of this Act- (a) The provisions of the Farm Labor Supply Appropriation Act, 1944 (Public Law 229, Seventy-eighth Congress, second session, title I), as amended and supplemented, and as extended by this Act, shall not be construed to limit or interfere with any of the functions of the United States Employment Service or State l)ublic emlloymnllt serv- ices with respect to mil:intaining a farm pllitcellent service as author- ized under the Act of June 6, 1933 (.48 Stit. 113). (b) The Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of Labor shall take such action as may be necessary to assure mlaxinmlln cooperation between the agricultural extension services of the land-grant colleges and the State public employment agencies in the recruitment and placement of domestic farm labor and in the keeping of such records and information with respect thereto as may be necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the State unemployment com- pensation laws and of title V of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, as amended (58 Stat. 295). SEC. 3 . Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any Mexican farm laborer who is presently in this country and engaged in agri- cultural employment may be permitted to remain in this country, as long as the farm labor supply program is in effect, and he continues in agricultural employment: Provided, That the employer or employ- ers of such laborers give satisfactory assurance to the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service that the terms and condi- tions of employment are satisfactory to the Government of Mexico, and that assurance, including an appropriate bond, is given to the satisfaction of the United States Immigration and Naturalization Farm labor supply program. Continuance and liquidation. 58 Stat. 11, 15. 1§1351-1355 . Post, p. 202 . Labor-supply cen- ters, etc. 60 Stat. 1064. 7U. S..C. 1001 note. Appropriations au- thorized. Post, pp. 109,695. Farm placement service. Supra. MlU- s. (. 1tilh. ID)nom(estic faril l:1- bor. Itecritmlelnt inll placemenlt. Records. 38U.S.C.§§696- 696m. Post, p. 454 . Mexican farm labor- ers. Employer's assur- ance. 55