Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/796

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 490-AUG. 5, 1947 SEC. 6. Section 49b is hereby added to the Organic Act to read as follows: Coordinator of Fed- "SEC. 49b. (1) There shall be an administrative officer whose official eral Agencies in Puerto Rico. title shall be the 'Coordinator of Federal Agencies in Puerto Rico', who shall be appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States, and who shall hold office at the pleasure of the President for the purpose of coordinating the administration of all Federal civilian functions and activities in Compensation. Puerto Rico. He shall receive as compensation for his services an annual salary of $7,500. Coordination of ad "(2) The Coordinator of Fedefal Agencies shall coordinate the ministration of Fed- oral civilian functions. administration of all Federal civilian functions and activities in Puerto Rico. The administrative heads of all Federal civilian agencies in Puerto Rico shall make such reports to the Coordinator of Federal Agencies as he shall require and he shall through the Secretary of the Interior make recommendations to the heads of such agencies with respect to their personnel, functions, and activities in Puerto Rico: the President may, however, by Executive order exempt any Federal agency from making such reports to the Coordinator of Federal Recommendations. Agencies. The Coordinator of Federal Agencies shall make recom- mendations for the better coordination of the Federal civilian func- tions and activities and may make recommendations for the elimination or reduction of those which duplicate or conflict with each other or with dReorts to Presi- activities carried on by the Government of Puerto Rico. He shall tad Cong report through the Secretary of the Interior to the President and to Congress concerning the administration of all Federal civilian func- tions and activities in Puerto Rico, specifying the recommendations made by him to the Federal agencies and the results of such recom- Appropriatlon esti- mendatlons. He shall advise the Secretary of the Interior, who shall tes advise the Bureau of the Budget and the Congress with respect to all appropriation estimates submitted by any civilian department or agency of the Federal Government to be expended in or for the benefit of Puerto Rico. He shall confer with the Governor of Puerto Ricc with respect to the correlation of activities of Federal and insular agencies and all plans and programs and other matters of mutual interest. eoulgtivo ofrdby "(3) The President of the United States may, from time to time Presdent. after hearing, promulgate Executive orders expressly excepting Puerto Rico from the application of any Federal law, not expressly declared by Congress to be applicable to I uerto Rico, which as contemplated by 89U.S (i 74. section 9 of this Act is inapplicable by reason of local conditions. The Coordinator of Federal Agencies may, from time to time, make recom- mendations to the President for such purpose. Any such recommenda- tion shall show the concurrence or dissent of the Governor of Puerto Rico. Reports fron ov. "(4) The Coordinator of Federal Agencies, in the name of the President of the United States, shall have authority to request from the Governor of Puerto Rico, and the Governor shall furnish to him all such reports pertaining to the affairs, conditions and government of Puerto Rico as the Coordinator of Federal Agencies shall from time to time request, for transmission to the President through the Secretary of the Interior. Rtadise d ga. - (5) The President of the United States shall prescribe such rules and regulations as may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section." Btabt.961 Sac. 7S. Section 2 of said Organic Act (48 U. S. C., sec. 737) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new papagraph: tofSt.- "The rirhts, privi eges, and immunities of citizens of the United States shall be respected in Puerto Rico to the same extent as though 772 [61 STAT.