Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/844

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 512-AUG. 7, 1947 number equal to the number of officers not restricted in the perform- ance of duty placed upon the promotion list pursuant to the report of the comparable board for the selection of line officers convened in the same fiscal year. The denominator of this fraction shall be a number equal to the number of officers, not restricted in the performance of duty, in the promotion zone considered by said board for the selection of line officers. Lieutenant com- (e) The number to be furnished the board in respect to the promo- manders and lieu- tenantsr tion of officers, except officers of the Supply Corps, Civil Engineer Corps, and Nurse Corps to the grade of lieutenant commander and lieutenant shall be determined by the Secretary of the Navy as of the date of the convening of the board and shall be equal to the number of such officers in the promotion zones in the grades of lieutenant and lieutenant (junior grade), respectively. Captains. (f) The number to be furnished the board in respect to the promo- tion of captains to the grade of rear admiral shall be determined by the Secretary of the Navy as of the date of the convening of the board and shall be equal to the number of vacancies existing in the grade of rear admiral plus the estimated number of such vacancies which will occur during the ensuing twelve-month period and minus the number of captains then on the promotion list. (g) The number to be furnished the board in respect to captains to be continued on the active list shall be determined by the Secretary of the Navy as of the date of the convening of the board and shall be such a number in each case, not to exceed in each instance the number p"' p82-. prescribed in subsection 212 (a) of this title, as the Secretary of the Navy shall determine to be necessary to meet the requirements of the Navy. Promotion zones. (h) An officer in any grade, not restricted in the performance of duty, who has not failed of selection for promotion to the next higher grade, shall be deemed to be in the promotion zone when his running mate in the same grade has been determined to be in the promotion zone of officers not restricted in the performance of duty in that grade. (i) An officer in any grade, designated for limited duty, who has not failed of selection for promotion to the next higher grade, shall be deemed to be in the promotion zone when his running mate in the same grade has been determined to be in the promotion zone of officers desig- nated for limited duty. Officers of Medical (j) The number to be furnished the board in respect to the promo- tion of officers of the Medical Service Corps to the grade of captain shall be determined by the Secretary of the Navy as of the date of the convening of the board and shall be equal to the difference between the allowed number of officers in that grade and the actual number of officers therein plus the number of officers estimated to be separated from that grade during the ensuing twelve-month period and minus the number of commanders then on the promotion list. Offiers of Nurse (k) The number to be furnished the board in respect to the promo- tion of officers of the Nurse Corps to the grades of commander and lieutenant commander shall be determined by the Secretary of the Navy as of the date of the convening of the board and shall for each grade be equal to the difference between the allowed number of officers m the grade and the actual number of officers therein plus the number of officers estimated to be separated from the grade during the ensuing twelve-month period and minus the number of officers of the next lower grade then on the promotion list. (1) The number to be furnished the board in respect to the promo- tion of officers of the Nurse Corps to the grade of lieutenant shall be determined by the Secretary of the Navy as of the date of the conven- ing of the board and shall be equal to the number of lieutenants (junior 820 [61 STAT.