Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/880

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PUBLIC LAWS-H. 512-AUG. 7 , 1947 commissioned line officers of the Regular Navy junior to his running mate is so permanently appointed to such grade in the Regular Navy. 8d (d) The following provisions shall relate to running mates and precedence: (1) Upon determination of running mates as provided in section Ante, p.833 . 304 of this title, staff officers shall have the running mates so assigned them. Thereafter line running mates shall be assigned to staff officers and staff officers shall take precedence in accordance with the provi- sions of this subsection. (2) Line and staff officers of the Navy, when of the same grade, shall take precedence with all other line and staff officers of the same grade from the dates of rank stated in their commissions in said grade: Provided, That officers serving in the same grade and having the same date of rank in that grade shall take precedence in the following order: (a) Line officers, (b) medical officers, (c) supply officers, (d) chaplain, (e) civil engineers, (f) dental officers, (g) officers of the Medical Service Corps, and (h) officers of the Nurse Corps. (3) Lieutenants (junior grade) in a staff corps, appointed subse- quent to the enactment of this Act pursuant to any authority other than 360suta. 2c. the Act of April 18, 1946 (Public Law 347, Seventy-ninth Congress), Ante, p. 7 8; pot, with dates of rank in that grade in the same calendar year shall, in p.8,877. order of their lineal rank and following December 31 of that year, be assigned running mates among line lieutenants (junior grade) with dates of rank in the same calendar year, if of other than the Medical Corps, and in the preceding calendar year if of the Medical Corps, in the manner herein prescribed. Each such staff officer shall be assigned as his running mate the line officer whose numerical position in the order of lineal rank among the line lieutenants (junior grade) above described is equal, or nearest equal, to the product of the numerical position of the staff officer in his order of lineal rank in his corps and a fraction whose numerator is the number of such line officers and whose denominator is the number of such staff officers. When there is but one such staff officer, the running mate shall be the line officer whose lineal rank is nearest the middle of the line officers concerned: Provided, That in any staff corps where officers may be originally appointed to the grade of lieutenant (junior grade) or ensign, all staff officers of that corps with dates of rank as lieutenants (Junior grade) in the same calendar year shall, for the purpose of assignment of running mates, be regarded as having lineal rank in such order as may be recom- mended in the approved report of a board of officers convened for that purpose; such boards shall be convened as soon as practicable after December 31 of each year, shall be composed of officers of the corps concerned, and their recommendations when approved by the Secretary of the Navy shall be conclusive. (4) An officer appointed to a staff corps in a grade above that of lieutenant (junior grade), or in the grade of lieutenant (junior grade), 60 Stat. 92 . pursuant to the Act of April 18,1946 (Public Law 347, Seventy-ninth 3Ante, . 78; pe Congress), subsequent to the date of the establishment of the lineal p. 867,877. list of line officers as prescribed by subsection 304 (a) of this title, shall be assigned as his running mate by the Secretary of the Navy, a line officer with the same date of rank in the highest grade, permanent or temporary, to which the staff officer is appointed or, if there be none, the junior line officer with the next earlier date of rank in such grade. Officer of staff corps a ofN l Rfestervcor (5) An officer of a staff corps of the Naval Reserve assigned to active duty subsequent to the date of the establishment of the lineal list of P. line officers as prescribed by subsection 304 (a) of this title, shall, for the purposes of this subsection only, be regarded as having date of rank in his grade according to his active service in that grade and 856 [61 STAT.