Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/896

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 512-AUG. 7 , 1947 Payandallowances. (j) No officer appointed for limited duty only shall suffer any reduction in pay and allowances to which he was entitled at the time of such appointment by virtue of his permanent status. Marine Corps. (k) The provisions of subsections (h), (i), and (j) of this section are hereby made applicable in like manner and with like effect, except as may be necessary to adapt the same thereto, to the Regular Assignment to enMarine Corps. gineering duty, etc. (1) Any officer appointed in the line of the Navy for limited duty only, may, upon application, and upon determination by the Secre- tary of the Navy, in accordance with rules to be prescribed by him, that such officer is qualified therefor, be assigned to engineering duty only, aeronautical engineering duty only, or special duty only, or to unrestricted performance of duty. Upon being so assigned, his status as an officer designated for limited duty shall terminate. (m) Any officer appointed in a staff corps of the Navy for limited duty only may, upon application, and upon determination by the Secretary of the Navy, in accordance with rules to be prescribed by him, that such officer is qualified therefor, be assigned to unrestricted performance of duty in the staff corps concerned. Upon being so assigned, his status as an officer designated for limited duty shall terminate. (n) Any officer appointed in the Marine Corps for limited duty only may, upon application, and upon determination by the Secretary of the Navy, in accordance with rules to be prescribed by him, that such officer is qualified therefor, be assigned to supply duty only, or to unrestricted performance of duty. Upon being so assigned, his status as an officer designated for limited duty shall terminate. Designation. (o) Officers appointed for limited duty only shall be described and known as officers designated for limited duty. ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICER GRADES IN THE STAFF CORPS SEC. 405. The grades above that of commissioned warrant officer in the line of the Navy established under permanent provisions of exist- ing law or of titles I through IV of this Act are hereby similarly estab- lished in each of the staff corps of the Regular Navy and the Naval Reserve in lieu of existing grades above that of commissioned warrant officer in each staff corps. Each staff officer on the active list of the Navy or Naval Reserve serving in a grade above that of commissioned warrant officer on the date of this Act shall be regarded as having been appointed to either or both the permanent or temporary grade established by this section in his corps corresponding to the permanent or temporary rank, or both, then held by him under the conditions of his existing appointment. Nothing in this section shall operate to establish in any staff corps a grade higher than the highest rank now provided for that corps under permanent provisions of law. ADDITIONAL NUMBERS IN GRADE CHANGED TO REGULAR NUMBERS SEC. 406. Officers of the Navy, except those assigned to engineering duty only, aeronautical engineering duty only, or special duty only, and officers of the Marine Corps, except those assigned to supply duty only, who, on the date of approval of this Act, are additional numbers in grade, are hereby changed to regular numbers on the Navy and Marine Corps lists, respectively. GRADE OF ACTING CHAPLAIN ABOLISHED SEC. 407. The grade of acting chaplain in the Navy is hereby abol- ished and hereafter appointments to the Corps of Chaplains shall be in the grade of lieutenant (junior grade), by and with the advice 872 [61 STAT.