Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/902

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 512-AUG. 7 , 1947 60 Stat. 1057. 34 U. S. C. §1020 etseq. Post, p. 880 .

14U. . o. § 350-

350j. Ante, pp . 312 ,313. Ante, p. 829 . Ante, p. 833 . centum, respectively, of the sum of the total authorized number of commissioned officers of the Navy and Marine Corps (exclusive of commissioned warrant officers), the total authorized number of enlisted men of the Navy and Marine Corps, the total authorized number of midshipmen at the Naval Academy, the actual number of commis- sioned warrant officers, and warrant officers on the active list of the Navy and Marine Corps, and the actual number of midshipmen on active duty for flight training pursuant to the Act of August 13, 1946 (Public Law 729, Seventy-ninth Congress). The Secretary of the Navy shall make computations to determine the authorized strength of the Medical Corps, the Dental Corps, the Chaplain Corps, the Medi- cal Service Corps, and the Nurse Corps, as of the date of approval of this Act and, thereafter, as of January 1 of each year, and the number so determined for each such corps shall be considered the authorized number of officers for that corps until a subsequent computation is made as of January 1 of each year, and the numbers so determined, which shall be considered the authorized number of officers for each corps, shall not be varied between computations." SERVICE IN GRADE TO INCLUDE SERVICE IN GRADE UNDER TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT SEC. 421. In computing length of service in grade under any pro- vision of titles I through IV of this Act each officer on active duty on the date of this Act shall be credited with all time from the date of rank in his grade or in a higher grade, whether under permanent appointment or temporary appointment, whichever is earlier: Pro- vided, That any officer promoted in grade subsequent to the date of approval of this Act shall be credited with service in the grade to which so promoted only from the date of his eligibility for promotion to that grade: And provided further, That notwithstanding the fore- going, no officer who has not lost numbers or precedence shall become eligible for consideration by a selection board until all officers of his grade senior to him in lineal position become so eligible. CONTINUATION OF TEMPORARY APPOINTMENTS OF CERTAIN MEMBERS OF THE HOSPITAL CORPS AND THE NAVAL RESERVE SEC. 422. (a) Members of the Naval Reserve ordered to active duty in connection with organizing, administering, recruiting, instructing, training, or drilling the Naval Reserve, or ordered to temporary active duty for the purpose of prosecuting special work, who on the date of approval of this Act are serving under temporary appointments pur- suant to the Act of July 24,1941 (55 Stat. 603), as amended, in grades above commissioned warrant officer may continue to serve under such temporary appointments until not later than six months after June 30 of the fiscal year following that in which the present war shall end, and such temporary appointments shall be deemed to have been made pursuant to title III of this Act: Provided,That no such officer may be continued on active duty in a grade higher than that required to maintain, with respect to officers placed on a lineal list pursuant to section 304 of this Act, the relative precedence to which he was entitled immediately prior to the establishment of the appropriate lineal list. The President is authorized to effect such temporary adjustment of grade and date of rank of such officers as is required to accomplish the purpose of this proviso, and no such temporary adjustment shall remain in effect later than six months after June 30 of the fiscal year following that in which the present war shall end. 878 [61 STAT.