Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/904

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PUBLIC LAWS-- H. 512-AUG. 7 , 1947 60 Stat. 1061 . 34 U.S . C. 405a. 80814,8; 34 U.. C . I4 350, 737a, 853c-2a. 56 Stat. 464. 4808, 809;34 U. .C. ii 737a, 863e-2a. 5U.S.C.S456C Ante, p. 93. receive the pay and allowances now or hereafter prescribed by law for that grade. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the con- trary, persons appointed pursuant to the authority contained in this Act shall not be placed on the lineal list of the Medical Corps, shall not be assigned running mates, and shall not be eligible for promotion while serving under such temporary appointments. The number of persons who may be so serving at any one time pursuant to this Act shall not exceed two hundred and fifty: Provided,That in time of war of declared national emergency the number of persons who may be so temporarily appointed and who may so serve may be increased to the extent determined by the President as necessary to meet the exigencies of the naval service." AMENDMENT OF PUBLIC LAW 729, SEVENTY-NINTH CONGRESS SEc. 425. Section 12 of the Act of August 13, 1946 (Public Law 729, Seventy-ninth Congress, second session), is hereby amended by sub- stituting the word "three" for the word "six" therein. SPECIAL PROVISIONS SEC. 426. (a) The provisions of the Act of June 30, 1942 (56 Stat. 463), as amended, which relate to personnel of the Navy and Marine Corps, with the exception of sections 3 and 4 of the said Act, are hereby repealed, but this repeal shall in no way affect any provision of the said Act insofar as it relates to the personnel of the Coast Guard. (b) Nothing in titles I through IV of this Act shall be held to affect any provision of law which relates to personnel of the Coast Guard, Coast and Geodetic Survey, or Public Health Service. AMENDMENT OF THE ACT OF DECEMBER 28, 1945 (59 STAT. 666) SEC. 427. Effective thirty days after the second appointment of an officer of the Dental Corps of the Regular Navy to the grade of rear admiral pursuant to the provisions of titles I through IV of this Act, section 3 of the Act of December 28, 1945 (59 Stat. 666), is amended as follows: (a) In the second sentence of said section 3, after the word "Navy" insert the words "of the grade of rear admiral". (b) Strike out the third sentence of said section 3. AMENDMENT OF PUBLIC LAW 66, EIGHTIETH CONGRESS SEC. 428. Effective thirty days after the first appointment of an officer of the Chaplain Corps of the Regular Navy to the grade of rear admiral pursuant to the provisions of titles I through IV of this Act, section 1 of the Act of May 15 1947 (Public Law 56, Eightieth Con- gress), is amended to read as follows: "That there shall be in the Bureau of Naval Personnel a Chief of Chaplains, designated by the Chief of Naval Personnel from among officers of the Chaplain Corps of the Regular Navy not below the grade of rear admiral, and such officer shall, while so serving, receive the pay and allowances provided by law for rear admirals of the upper half." AMENDMENT OF THE ACT OF JANUARY 20, 1942 (56 STAT. 10, 34 U. S . C. 622) SEC. 429. Section 1 of the Act of January 20, 1942 (56 Stat. 10, 34 U. S. C. 622) is amended by deleting the words "Lieutenant general" and substituting therefor the word "general". 880 [61 STAT.