Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/921

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61 STAT.] 8OTH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 512-AUG. 7 , 1947 if in grade of first lieutenant, fourteen years' service if in grade of captain, and twenty-one years' service if in grade of major, whichever of said two dates is the earlier. (j) Officers of any promotion list, whose names are carried on any recommended list for promotion to any grade under the provisions of this section, may be promoted and appointed in the grade for which recommended whenever there is a vacancy in the number authorized for that grade in that promotion list. Promotions and appointments to fill vacancies may be made at any time, but it is not mandatory that the authorized numbers in grades in the several promotion lists be maintained. (k) Irrespective of any vacancy in any grade, whenever any officer whose name is carried on any recommended list under the provisions of this section, completes for promotion purposes, seven years' service if in grade of first lieutenant, fourteen years' service if in grade of captain, and twenty-one years' service if in grade of major, the author- ized number of officers in the grade of captain, major, and lieutenant colonel, respectively, in the applicable promotion list, shall be tempo- rarily increased, if necessary, to authorize the appointment in that grade of such officer and all officers of his grade and promotion list whose names appear above his on the recommended list, and such officers shall be simultaneously appointed in that grade, retaining among themselves their existing relative seniority. (1) In addition to the procedures described in subsection (e) of this section, whenever in the Air Corps promotion list there are vacan- cies in the grade of captain, major, or lieutenant colonel, respectively, and, in the discretion of the Secretary of War, there are or will be an inadequate number of officers in that grade with certain special quali- fications required for the Air Corps, he may direct a selection board to select a specified number of Air Corps promotion-list officers having such special qualifications for promotion to that grade. The selection in such instance shall be accomplished under the same rules that apply generally in this section, except that officers not selected shall not be deemed to have been considered for promotion within the meaning of subsections (d) and (g) of this section. Officers selected under this procedure shall be appointed in the grade for which selected only to fill vacancies in the numbers authorized in that grade. (m) Promotion of promotion-list officers to grades of captain, major, and lieutenant colonel shall continue to be made under exist- ing law until December 31, 1947; thereafter, promotions to these grades shall be suspended until promotions are made on or about July 1, 1948, to fill initial requirements in these grades under the pro- visions of section 518 of this title, and thereafter, promotions to these grades shall again be suspended until December 31, 1948. REGULAR ARMY OFFICERS-PROMOTION TO GRADE OF COLONEL SEC. 510. (a) After the date of enactment of this Act, promotion- list officers shall be promoted to and appointed in the permanent grade of colonel in the Regular Army only as hereinafter in this section pre- scribed, except in those cases governed by the proviso to the first sentence of subsection 507 (d) of this title. (b) Based upon the number of vacancies existing and anticipated in any promotion list in the grade of colonel and the number of officers desired in that grade in that promotion list, the Secretary of War shall direct a selection board to select and recommend a pre- scribed number of officers of that promotion list for promotion to that grade and shall furnish to such board a list of the names of the officers to be considered. The list of names furnished for consideration shall include the name of the senior officer of that promotion list below the 95347°-48 -pt. 1-57 897 Promotions, etc., to fill vacancies. Temporary increase in numbers. Vacancies in Air Corps promotion list. Rules of selection. Continual lln of pro- motions. Pod, p. 914 Promotion-list offi- ers. Ante, p. 83. Selection, etc., by board on basis of vacancies.