Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/925

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61 STAT.] 80TH CONG. , 1ST SESS.-CH. 512-AUG. 7 ,1947 selected, be appointed in that grade. After June 30, 1949, officers must have completed at least one year's service under permanent appointment in the grade of brigadier general in the Regular Army, before being nominated or appointed in the grade of major general in the Regular Army. GENERAL OFFIERS---CMHEFS AND ASSISTANT CHIEFS OF SERVICES-PRO- MOTION TO GENERAL OFFICER GRADE WITH A VIEW TO ASSIGNMENT AS CHIEF OR ASSISTANT CHIEF OF SERVICE SEC. 513. (a) Each of the offices of chiefs of branches, arms, or services, and each of the offices of their assistants as provided by law, respectively, shall be filled by the President appointing, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, an officer, not below the grade of lieutenant colonel, who has demonstrated by actual and extended duty in such arm, branch, or service or on similar duty that he is qualified for such assignment, and who has been recommended for such office by a board of officers as prescribed in subsection (b) of this section. Upon the appointment of a Regular Army officer to any such office, he shall at the same time, if he does not already hold permanent appoint- ment in the Regular Army in the grade called for by such office, be permanently appointed in grade of major general or brigadier general m the Regular Army, whichever is the rank specified for such office. An officer appointed to any such office shall normally continue in that assignment for a tour of duty of four years but such assignment may be terminated at any time, or such tour may be extended by the Presi- dent in his discretion. The termination of an officer's assignment as chief or assistant chief of a branch, arm, or service shall have no effect upon the permanent general officer grade held by him. When- ever any Regular Army officer is to be appointed as a chief or an assistant chief of a branch, arm, or service and at the same time in the permanent grade of major general or brigadier general in the Regular Army, whichever is the rank specified for such office, the total authorized number of officers in that grade shall be temporarily increased if necesary to authorize such appointment, but such tem- porary increase in authorized numbers in such grade shall continue only until a vacancy shall occur in such grade. Officers now serving as chiefs of branches, arms, or services, and their respective assistants, will not be affected by this section. This section shall become effective for each such office on the date that office is vacated by the present incumbent. This section shall not apply to the office of Chief of the National Guard Bureau. (b) Officers shall be recommended to fill the office of chief of a branch, arm, or service, or the office of an assistant chief of a branch, arm, or service, as follows: The Secretary of War shall appoint a board of five general officers which shall include the then incumbent, if any, of the office to be filled and at least two other officers, if avail- able, of a rank above that of the position for which selections are to be made who have had actual and extended service in the branch con- cerned. The Secretary of War shall furnish to such board a list of the officers to be considered by it and shall specify the number to be recommended, which number shall not be less than three. The list to be considered shall include all Regular Army officers of the branch concerned in the permanent grade of colonel, all Regular Army offi- cers above the grade of colonel who have demonstrated by actual and extended duty in such arm, branch, or service, or on similar duty, that they are qualified for such assignment, and may in addition thereto and to the extent determined advisable by the Secretary of War, in- clude the names of Regular Army officers of the branch concerned in the permanent grade of lieutenant colonel in the order that their 901 Completionofyear's service before nomina- tion, etc. Appointment by President. Tour of duty. Termination of as- signment. Temporary increase in numbers. Noiiappltbihllity. Procedure for rec- omnmendation, etc.