Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/949

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61 STAT.] 80rH CONG., 1 ST SESS.-CH. 519-AUG. 8 , 1947 which the Secretary determines is needed to meet the requirements of consumers in the continental United States pursuant to section 201 of this Act, than the quota which would have been established for Cuba upon such consumptive estimate under the provisions of section 202 (b) of the Sugar Act of 1937, the quotas for domestic sugar-producing areas established pursuant to the other provisions of this title II shall be reduced pro rata by such amounts as are required to establish such quota for Cuba and the amounts by which such domestic sugar-produc- ing quotas are so reduced shall be added to the quota for Cuba. (e) If the Secretary of State finds that any foreign country denies fair and equitable treatment to the nationals of the United States, its commerce, navigation, or industry, and so notifies the Secretary, the Secretary shall have authority to withhold or withdraw any increase in the share of the domestic consumption requirements provided for such country by this Act as compared with the share allowed under section 202 (b) of the Sugar Act of 1937: Provided, That any amount of sugar so withheld or withdrawn shall be prorated to domestic areas on the basis of existing quotas for such areas and the Secretary shall revise such quotas accordingly: Providedfurther,That any portion of such amount of sugar which cannot be supplied by domestic areas may be prorated to foreign countries other than a country which the Secre- tary of State finds has denied fair and equitable treatment to nationals of the United States. SEC. 203. In accordance with such provisions of section 201 as he deems applicable, the Secretary shall also determine the amount of sugar needed to meet the requirements of consumers in the Territory of Hawaii, and in Puerto Rico, and shall establish quotas for the amounts of sugar which may be marketed for local consumption in such areas equal to the amounts determined to be needed to meet the requirements of consumers therein. SEC. 204. (a) The Secretary shall, from time to time during the calendar year, determine whether, in view of the current inventories of sugar, the estimated production from the acreage of sugarcane or sugar beets planted, the normal marketings within a calendar year of new-crop sugar, and other pertinent factors, any domestic area, the Republic of the Philippines, or Cuba, will be unable to market the quota for such area. If the Secretary finds that any domestic area or Cuba will be unable to market the quota for siuch area for the calendar year then current, he shall revise the quotas for the domestic areas and Cuba by prorating an amount of sugar eqltl to the deficit so determined to the other such areas on the basis of the quotas then in effect: Provided, however, That domestic areas shall not share in any deficit of any domestic area if the then outstanding determination of the Secretary made pursuant to section 201 of the Act is less than seven million short tons, raw value. If the Secretary finds that the Republic of the Philippines will be unable to market the quota for such area for the calendar year then current, he shall revise the quotas for Cuba and foreign countries other than Cuba and the Republic of the Philippines by prorating an amount of sugar equal to the deficit so determined, as follows: To Cuba---------------------------------- - 95 per centum To foreign countries other than Cuba and the Repub- lic of the Philippines-------- --------------- 5 per centum Provided, however, That whenever the quota for Cuba established under the provisions of this Act other than section 202 (d) is less than the amount required by the provisions of section 202 (d) of this Act, such prorations shall be as follows: To Cuba----------------------------------- 9S. 64 per centum To foreign countries other than Cuba and the Republic of the Philippines----------------- 1.36 per centum 925 50 Stat. 905. 7U.S.c. C 1112 (b). Authority to with- hold or withdraw sugar. Supra. Proration to do- mestic areas. Proration to foreign countries. Determination of consumer needs in Hawaii and Puerto Rico. Revision of quotas.