Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/954

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PUBLIC LAWS--CH. 519-AUG. 8 , 1947 Wage rates. 62 Stat. 31 . 7U.S.C.5§1281- 1407; 16 U. 8. C. §§ 590h, 590o. Ante, pp. 721, 722. Payment for sugar beets, etc., grown by other producers. Computation of amount for payment. Determination of proportionate shares. Effectivity of pay- ments. Abandonment of planted acreage, etc. the production of sugar or liquid sugar to be marketed in, or so as to compete with or otherwise directly affect interstate or foreign com- merce, in excess of the proportionate share for the farm, as determined by the Secretary pursuant to the provisions of section 302, of the total quantity of sugar beets or sugarcane required to be processed to enable the area in which such sugar beets or sugarcane are produced to meet the quota (and provide a normal carry-over inventory) as estimated by the Secretary for such area for the calendar year during which the larger part of the sugar or liquid sugar from such crop normally would be marketed. (c) (1) That all persons employed on the farm in the production, cultivation, or harvesting of sugar beets or sugarcane with respect to which an application for payment is made shall have been paid in full for all such work, and shall have been paid wages therefor at rates not less than those that may be determined by the Secretary to be fair and reasonable after investigation and due notice and opportunity for public hearing; and in making such determinations the Secretary shall take into consideration the standards therefor formerly estab- lished by him under the Agricultural Adjustment Act, as amended, and the differences in conditions among various producing areas: Provided, however, That a payment which would be payable except for the foregoing provisions of this subparagraph may be made, as the Secretary may determine, in such manner that the laborer will receive an amount, insofar as such payment will suffice, equal to the amount of the accrued unpaid wages for such work, and that the producer will receive the remainder, if any, of such payment. (2) That the producer on the farm who is also, directly or indirectly a processor of sugar beets or sugarcane, as may be determined by the Secretary shall have paid, or contracted to pay under either purchase or toll agreements, for any sugar beets or sugarcane grown by other producers and processed by him at rates not less than those that may be determined by the Secretary to be fair and reasonable after investi- gation and due notice and opportunity for public hearing. SEC. 302. (a) The amount of sugar or liquid sugar with respect to which payment may be made shall be the amount of sugar or liquid sugar commercially recoverable, as determined by the Secretary, from the sugar beets or sugarcane grown on the farm and marketed (or processed by the producer) not in excess of the proportionate share for the farm, as determined by the Secretary, of the quantity of sugar beets or sugarcane for the extraction of sugar or liquid sugar required to be processed to enable the producing area in which the crop of sugar beets or sugarcane is grown to meet the quota (and provide a normal carry-over inventory) estimated by the Secretary for such area for the calendar year during which the larger part of the sugar or liquid sugar from such crop normally would be marketed. (b) In determining the proportionate shares with respect to a farm, the Secretary may take into consideration the past production on the farm of sugar beets and sugarcane marketed (or processed) for the extraction of sugar or liquid sugar and the ability to produce such sugar beets or sugarcane, and the Secretary shall, insofar as practicable, protect the interests of new producers and small producers and the interests of producers who are cash tenants, share tenants, adherent planters, or share croppers. (c) Payments shall be effective with respect to sugar or liquid sugar commercially recoverable from sugar beets and sugarcane grown on a farm commencing with the crop year 1948. SEC. 303. In addition to the amount of sugar or liquid sugar with respect to which payments are authorized under subsection (a) of section 302, the Secretary is also authorized to make payments, on the 930 [61 STAT.