Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/966

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 524 -DEC. 23 , 1947 Ante, p. 938. Ante, pp. 125, 613. Administrative ex- penses. Preliminary sur- veys and estimates. Wheat carry-over . Government losses. Ante, p. 939. Ant, p. 272. Au, p. 273. Ant, p. 623 . Utilsation of funds. FUNDS APPROPRIATED TO THE PRESIDENT FOREIGN AI Foreign aid: To enable the President to carry out the provisions of the Act entitled the "Foreign Aid Act of 1947" (Public Law 389, Eightieth Congress) insofar as applicable to Austria, France, and Italy, $522,000,000, and to enable the President to carry out the provisions of Public Law 84, in respect to China, $18,000,000; in all, $540,000,000: Provided, That any administrative expenses which may be incurred by the Department of State in carrying out duties assigned to it under said Act may be paid from any funds available to said Department for administrative expenses, except that funds herein appropriated shall not be available for such purpose: Provided fur- ther, That none of the funds appropriated or made available by this Act shall be used or made available for use for the acquisition of nitrates or nitrogenous fertilizer, or petroleum products, or wheat, wheat flour, or cereal grain in the United States or the shipment thereof from the United States unless the President shall first- (1) survey the requirements of other countries which are dependent upon the United States for a portion of their supplies of such com- modities, and (2) estimate the quantities of such commodities which probably will be made available to such countries from the United States, and (3) estimate the total amount of such commodities available for export from the United States to the recipient countries, after giving due consideration to the quantity thereof required in this country to meet essential domestic needs and for wastage, food, feed, seed, and industrial uses, and for the needs of other countries dependent upon the United States for supplies of such commodities. In determining the amount of such commodities available for export from the United States the President shall allow for a carry-over of wheat in the United States as of July 1, 1948, of not less than one hundred and fifty million bushels, and: Provided further, That the funds appropriated in this Act shall not be made available or used to acquire a quantity of wheat, wheat flour, and cereal grain in the United States which, after taking into consideration the amount estimated for export to other countries, and the amount needed for domestic consumption in the United States, will leave a carry-over of less than 150,000,000 bushels of wheat on July 1, 1948. The losses incurred by agencies of the Government through sales of commodities in accordance with the terms of subsection (e) of section 11 of the Foreign Aid Act of 1947 shall not exceed $57,500,000. FEDERAL SECURITY AGENCY SOCIAL SECRrrIT ADMINISTRATION Reconversion unemployment benefits for seamen: For an additional amount for "Reconversion unemployment benefits for seamen," $1,300,000. Miscellaneous expenses, Social Security Administration: For an additional amount for "Miscellaneous expenses, Social Security Admin- istration," $40,000. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE The Secretary of Agriculture is hereby authorized, with the approval of the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, to utilize, by transfer or otherwise, during the period between the date of approval of this Act and April 1, 1948, such amounts as may be necessary (but not to exceed a total of $2,750,000) from any appropriation or fund available [61 STAT.