Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 1.djvu/986

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INDEX Agriculture, Department of-Continued Page Peanuts. See separatetitle. Penalty mail costs, funds for---- 245, 524, 618 Plant Industry, Soils and Agricultural Engineering, Bureau of- Appropriation for ----------- _ -- -- 533 Transfer of funds to------------- 73 Chapman Field Military Reserva- tion, Dade County, Fla., transfer of certain lands--------------- 533 Rubber investigations, reduction in appropriation ----------------- 20 Transfer of functions --------------- 952 Plant quarantine. See Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Bureau of, this title. Political activities, pernicious, restric- tion on payment of persons engag- ing in ------------------------- 543 Printing and binding, funds for -- _ 526, 537 Production and Marketing Administra- tion- Appropriation for------------- 541, 618 Reductions in appropriations ------ 20 Production Credit Corporations, avail- ability of funds, etc----------- 73, 580 Reduction in designated appropria- tions ------------------------- 20 Regional Agricultural Credit Corpora- tion of Washington, D. C., availa- bility of funds, etc ___ ------- ---- 580 Regional offices, restriction on use of funds for maintenance ---------- 527 Report, annual, printing and binding of- Appropriation for----------------- 526 Restriction on use of Government Printing Office funds for-- --- 375, 376 Reports to Congress- Agricultural research, administration of grants and coordination of re- search with States------------- 530 Alaska, status of agricultural re- search, etc-------------------- 530 Food-production projects in non- European foreign countries - - - 947 Foot-and-mouth disease and rinder- pest, cooperation with Mexico in control and eradication of__- - - -- 8 Meat-inspection fund, schedule of obligations and reimbursements_ 532 Obligations incurred with respect to regulation of speculative trading on commodities, etc ---------- 943 Research and Marketing Act of 1946, appropriation for effecting provi- sions of------------------------ 524 Research functions, transfer of-------- 952 Research laboratories, regional, appro- nriation for-------------------- 536 Agriculture, Department of-Continued Page Rinderpest- Appropriation for control of -------- 24, 185, 245, 532, 617 Cooperation with Mexico in control and eradication of------------- 7 Appropriations authorized-------- 8 Appropriations for------ 24, 185, 245, 617 Personnel ceilings, nonapplicabil- ity------------------------ 7 Reports to Congress ------------- 8 Rubber, research on, appropriation for; transfer of lands, etc------------- 529 Rural Electrification Administration- Appropriation for----------------- 546 Transfer of funds to------------- 74 Loans to Administrator, amendment of provisions respecting; trans- fers of functions, etc -------- 546, 547 Reconstruction Finance Corporation, transfer of functions, etc-. --- 546, 547 Rural rehabilitation- Obligations, certain, in connection with, transfer----------------- 545 Transfer of funds to--------------- 74 Salaries and expenses, appropriation for --------------------------- 523 Salinas, Calif., transfer of lands in vicinity of-------------------_- 529 San Francisco radio office, use of funds for maintenance of ------------- 526 Secretary, Office of, appropriation for__ 523 Reduction ------------------------ 20 Transfer offunds to_------------- 73 Secretary, presidential succession------ 380 Sitka, Alaska, sale to, of United States Reserve for Agricultural Investiga- tions and Weather Service, author- ized--------------------------- 310 Soil-building, etc., practices, funds avail- able for------------------------ 542 Soil Conservation and Domestic Allot- ment Act. See separate title. Soil Conservation Service- Appropriation for----------------- 540 Reduction --------------------- 20 Transfers of funds to---------- 74 Buildings, cost limitation ---------- 540 Demonstration projects, restriction on use of funds------------------ 541 Missouri, approval by central State agency of soil conservation agree- ments


540 Solicitor, Office of, funds for-------- 73, 524 Southern Great Plains Field Station, Okla., appropriation for repair of buildings, etc------------------- 534 Special research fund, funds for ----- 73, 529 Specialists, etc., temporary employ- ment of----------------------- 525 V