Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/1022

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61 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-PEACE WITH BULGARIA-FEB . 10, 1947 1981 ment of the Allied or Associated Power concerned and the Government of Bulgaria. B. PERIODS OF PRESCRIPTION 1. All periods of prescription or limitation of right of action or of the right to take conservatory measures in respect of relations affecting persons or property, involving United Nations nationals and Bulgarian nationals who, by reason of the state of war, were unable to take judicial action or to comply with the formalities necessary to safeguard their rights, irrespective of whether these periods commenced before or after the outbreak of war, shall be regarded as having been suspended, for the duration of the war, in Bulgarian territory on the one hand, and on the other hand in the ter- ritory of those United Nations which grant to Bulgaria, on a reciprocal basis, the benefit of the provisions of this paragraph. These periods shall be- gin to run again on the coming into force of the present Treaty. The provi- sions of this paragraph shall be applicable in regard to the periods fixed for the presentation of interest or dividend coupons or for the presentation for payment of securities drawn for repayment or repayable on any other ground. 2. Where, on account of failure to perform any act or to comply with any formality during the war, measures of execution have been taken in Bulgarian territory to the prejudice of a national of one of the United Nations, the Bulgarian Government shall restore the rights which have been detrimentally affected. If such restoration is impossible or would be inequi- table, the Bulgarian Government shall provide that the United Nations national shall be afforded such relief as may be just and equitable in the circumstances. C. NEGOTIABLE INSTRUMENTS 1. As between enemies, no negotiable instrument made before the war shall be deemed to have become invalid by reason only of failure within the required time to present the instrument for acceptance or payment, or to give notice of non-acceptance or non-payment to drawers or endorsers, or to protest the instrument, nor by reason of failure to complete any formality during the war.