Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 2.djvu/425

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1382 TREATIES [61 STAT. (iii) Thence, the line runs as far as a point about 0.5 kilometer east of the village of Cernova, crossing the river Dragogna about 1 kilometer north of this village, leaving the villages of Bucciai and Truscolo to the west and the village of Tersecco to the east, it then runs southwestward to the southeast of the road connecting the villages of Cernova and Chervoi, leaving this road 0.8 kilometer to the east of the village of Cucciani; it then runs in a general south-southwesterly direction, passing about 0.4 kilometer east of Monte Braico and at about 0.4 kilometer west of the village of Sterna Filaria, leaving the road running from this village to Piemonte to the east, passing about 0.4 kilometer west of the town of Piemonte and about 0.5 kilometer east of the town of Castagna and reaching the river Quieto at a point approximately 1.6 kilometer southwest of the town of Castagna. (iv) Thence the line follows the main improved channel of the Quieto to its mouth, passing through Porto del Quieto to the high seas by following a line placed equidistant from the coastlines of the Free Territory of Trieste and Yugoslavia. The map to which this description refers forms part of Annex I. SECTION IV-ITALIAN COLONIES Article 23 1. Italy renounces all right and title to the Italian territorial possessions in Africa, i. e. Libya, Eritrea and Italian Somaliland. 2. Pending their final disposal, the said possessions shall continue under their present administration. 3. The final disposal of these possessions shall be determined jointly by the Governments of the Soviet Union, of the United Kingdom, of the United States of America, and of France within one year from the coming into force of the present Treaty, in the manner laid down in the joint declara- tion of February 10, 1947, issued by the said Governments, which is repro- duced in Annex XI. SECTION V-SPECIAL INTERESTS OF CHINA Article 24 Italy renounces in favour of China all benefits and privileges resulting from the provisions of the final Protocol signed at Pekin on September 7, 1901, and all annexes, notes and documents supplementary thereto, and . ___