Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/137

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1 STAT.]

COLOMBIA-NAVAL MISSION-OCT. 14 , 1946 2415 other nation, or in the case of civil war in the Republic of Colombia; d) In case of war between the United States of America and any other country. TITLE II Composition and Personnel ARTICLE 5. This Mission will consist of a Chief of Mission of the rank of Captain or Commander on active service in the United States Navy and such other United States naval personnel as may subsequently be requested by the Ministry of War of Colombia through its authorized representa- tive in Washington and agreed upon by the United States Navy Department. TITLE III Duties, Rank, and Precedence ARTICLE 6. The duties of the Mission shall consist of such pro- fessional services, advice, and di- rection as may be agreed upon between the Minister of War of the Republic of Colombia and the Chief of the Naval Mission. ARTICLE 7. The performance of duty of all Mission personnel shall be under the direction of the Chief of Mission who will be responsible to the Minister of War and the Director General of the Navy. ARTICLE 8. Each member of the Mission shall retain the rank he holds in the United States Navy and shall wear the uniform of his rank in the United States Navy. ARTICLE 9. Each member of the Mission shall be entitled to all the benefits and prerogatives which quiera otra naci6n, o en caso de guerra civil en la Repiblica de Colombia. d) En caso de guerra entre los Estados Unidos de America y cualquier otro pals. TiTULO II Composici6n y Personal ARTICULO 5. Esta Misi6n cons- tara de un Jefe de Misi6n con grado de capitan de navio o de capitan de fragata en servicio activo de la Armada de los Estados Unidos de America y del personal naval adicional que soli- citare el Ministerio de Guerra de Colombia por medio de su repre- sentante autorizado en Washing- ton, y que sea convenido por la Secretaria de Marina de los Esta- dos Unidos de America. TiTULO III Deberes, Grados y Precedencia ARTfCULO 6. La Misi6n debert dar aquellos consejos, direcci6n y servicios profesionales, que acuer- den entie si el Ministro de Guerra de la Repfiblica de Colombia, y el Jefe do la Misi6n Naval. ARTICULO 7. El cumplimiento "es"'""s"ility. de las obligaciones de todo el per- sonal de la Misi6n estara a cargo del Jefe de la Misi6n, quien sera responsable ante el Ministro de Guerra y ante el Director General de Marina. ARTfCULO 8. Cada miembro de la Misi6n retendra el grado que tiene en la Armada de los Estados Unidos de America, y llevara el uniforme que corresponda a su grado en dicha Armada. ARTfCULO 9. Cada miembro de rogtivs and pr la Misi6n tendra derecho a todos los beneficios y prerrogativas que