Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/154

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2432 Treatment by mo- nopolies. Intention to con- clude treaty of friend- ship and commerce. Continuation of most -favored -nation treatment. 53 Stat. 2293. Compensation for claims. Information con- cerning international economic relations of Czechoslovakia. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. among foreign sources of supply as soon as Czechoslovakia possesses or is able to obtain sufficient free foreign exchange so that it is no longer necessary for her to make her purchases within the limits of bilateral trade and financial agreements. 5. If the Government of either country establishes or maintains a monopoly or enterprise for the importation, exportation, purchase, sale, distribution or production of any article, or grants exclusive priv- ileges to any enterprise to import, export, purchase, sell, distribute or produce any article, such monopoly or enterprise shall accord to the commerce of the other country fair and equitable treatment in respect of its purchases of articles the growth, produce or manufacture of foreign countries and its sales of articles destined for foreign coun- tries. To this end the monopoly or enterprise shall, in making such purchases or sales of any article, be influenced solely by considera- tions, such as price, quality, marketability, transportation and terms of purchase or sale, which would ordinarily be taken into account by a private commercial enterprise interested solely in purchasing or sell- ing such article on the most favorable terms. 6. The two Governments express their intention at the earliest practicable date to enter into negotiations looking toward the con- clusion of a comprehensive treaty of friendship and commerce which will regulate to their mutual satisfaction economic relations between the two countries. Meanwhile the two Governments have taken cognizance of the fact that each continues to accord to articles the growth, produce or manufacture of the other unconditional most- favored-nation treatment with respect to customs duties, the rules and formalities of customs, and the taxation, sale, distribution, and use within its territory of such articles consistent with provisions of the former trade agreement between the two countries dated March 7, 1938. 7. The Government of the United States and the Government of Czechoslovakia will make adequate and effective compensation to nationals of one country with respect to their rights or interests in properties which have been or may be nationalized or requisitioned by the Government of the other country. In this connection, the Government of the United States has noted with satisfaction that negotiations concerning compensation on account of such claims will shortly begin in Praha. 8. The two Governments agree to afford each other adequate op- portunity for consultation regarding the matters mentioned above, and the Government of Czechoslovakia, recognizing that it is the normal practice of the Government of the United States to make public comprehensive information concerning its international eco- nomic relations, agrees to make available to the Government of the United States full information, similar in scope and character to that normally made public by the United States, concerning the inter- national economic relations of Czechoslovakia. The Government of the United States will be pleased to receive