Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/167

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May 4, 18, June 10, July 4, 8. 11, 1946 61 STAT.] TRADE, PHILIPPINES-Aug. 15, 26 , Sept. 10, Oct. 3, 7 , 1946 Since the enactment of the Philippine Independence Act approved March 24, 1934, my Government has foreseen the probable necessity of providing for such a transitional period and has since then con- sistently excepted from most-favored-nation obligations which it has undertaken toward foreign governments advantages which it might continue to accord to Philippine products after the proclamation of Philippine independence. Some thirty instruments in force with other governments, for example, permit the continuation of the exceptional tariff treatment now accorded by my Government to Philippine products, irrespective of the forthcoming change in the Commonwealth's political status. With a view, therefore, to placing the relations between the United States and Ethiopia upon the same basis, with respect to the matters involved, as the relations existing under the treaties and agreements referred to in tile preceding paragraph, my Government proposes that the most-favored-nation provisions of the Treaty of Commerce between the United States and Ethiopia signed June 27, 1914, shall not be understood to require the extension to Ethiopia of advantages accorded by the United States to the Philippines. In view of the imminence of the inauguration of an independent Philippine Government, I should be glad to have the reply of your Government to this proposal at an early date. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my high consideration. DEAN ACHESON Acting Secretary of State Mr. GETAHOIUN TESEMMA, Charged'Affaires ad interim of Ethiopia. The Ethiopia Mlinister to the Under Secretary of State IMPERIAL ETIIIOPIAN LEGATION WASIINGTON, D .C. SIn: 2445 48 Stat. 455 . 48U.S.C.§1232et seq. Nonextension to Ethiopia of advantages accorded by U. S . to Philippines. 41 Stat. 1711 . No: 2318/00/2. Jui 4, 19)46. With reference to your Note of the 4th May last and subsequent reply No: 2()73 /G()/2 of the 10th Maty, I have the honoir to infolrm you that the Imperial Ethiopian Government are in agreement that the most-favored-nation provisions of the Treaty of Commerce between the United States and Ethiopia signed June 27, 1914, shall not be understood to require the extension to Ethiopia of advantages accorded by the United States to the Philippines. I avail myself of this opportunity to express to you, Sir, the assur- ances of my highest consideration. RAS H. S. I3rRU Minister Honourable DEAN AcHEsoX Under-Seeretary of State Departmentof State Washington, D.C .