Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/296

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61 STAT.] INDIA-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-NOV. 14, 1946 granted to its national air lines engaged in international public trans- port or to the air lines of the most favoured nation. (B) Supplies of fuel, lubricating oils, spare parts, regular equip- ment and aircraft stores retained on board aircraft of the designated air lines of one Contracting Party shall be exempt in the territory of the other Contracting Party from customs duties, inspection fees or similar duties or charges, even though such supplies be used by such aircraft on flights in that territory. ARTICLE IX. Each Contracting Party reserves the right to itself to withhold or Right to impose ap- propriate conditions, revoke, or impose such appropriate conditions as it may deem neces- etc. sary with respect to, an operating permission in case of failure by a designated air line of the other Party to comply with the laws and regulations of the former Party, or in case, in the judgment of the for- mer Party, there is a failure to fulfil the conditions under which the rights are granted in accordance with this Agreement. Except in case of a failure to comply with laws and regulations, such action shall be taken only after consultation between the Parties. In the event of action by one Party under this Article, the rights of the other Party under Article XI shall not be prejudiced. ARTICLE X. (A) In a spirit of close collaboration, the aeronautical authorities Consultations. of the two Contracting Parties will consult regularly with a view to assuring the observance of the principles and the implementation of the provisions outlined in this Agreement. (B) Either Contracting Party may at any time request consulta- Amendments. tion with the other with a view to initiating any amendments of this Agreement which may be desirable in the light of experience. Such consultation shall begin within a period of sixty days from the date of the request. Any modification of this Agreement agreed to as a result of such consultation shall come into effect when it has been confirmed by an exchange of diplomatic notes. (C) When the procedure for consultation provided for in Para- Noti"c o f desire to terminate agreement. graph (B) of this Article has been initiated, either Contracting Party may at any time give notice to the other of its desire to terminate this Agreement as provided in Paragraph (E) of this Article. Such notice shall be simultaneously communicated to the Provisional In- ternational Civil Aviation Organisation. (D) Changes made by either Contracting Party in the specified air rChanges in air routes, except those which change the points served by the designated air lines in the territory of the other Contracting Party, shall not be considered as modifications of this Agreement. The aeronautical authorities of either Contracting Party may therefore proceed uni- laterally to make such changes, provided, however, that notice of any Notice of change. change shall be given without delay to the aeronautical authorities of the other Contracting Party. If such latter aeronautical authorities find that, having regard to the principles set forth in Article IV of An te, p. 2575. 2579