Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/366

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. AGREEMENT ON A PLAN FOR ALLOCATION OF A REPARA- TION SHARE TO NON-REPATRIABLE VICTIMS OF GERMAN ACTION. In accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of the Final Act of Pst, p. 3171. the Paris Conference on Reparation, the Governments of the United States of America, France, the United Kingdom, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, in consultation with the Inter-Governmental Committee on Refugees, have worked out, in common agreement, the following plan to aid in the rehabilitation and resettlement of nonrepatriable victims of German action. In working out this plan the signatory Powers have been guided by the intent of Article 8, and the procedures outlined below are based on its terms: Distribution of funds. Use of assets for re- habilitation, etc. Poet, p. 3173. In recognition of special and urgent circumstances, the sum of $25,000,000, having been made available by Allied governments as a priority on the proceeds of the liquidation of German assets in neutral countries, is hereby placed at the disposal of the Inter-Governmental Committee on Refugees or its successor organization for distribution to appropriate public and private field organizations as soon as they have submitted practicable programs in accordance with this Agree- ment. A. It is the unanimous and considered opinion of the Five Powers that in light of Paragraph H of Article 8 of the Paris Agreement on Reparation, the assets becoming available should be used not for the compensation of individual victims but for the rehabilitation and resettlement of persons in eligible classes, and that expenditures on rehabilitation shall be considered as essential prepatory outlays to resettlement. Since all available statistics indicate beyond any reasonable doubt that the overwhelming majority of eligible persons under the provisions of Article 8 are Jewish, all assets except as specified in Paragraph B below are allocated for the rehabilitation and resettlement of eligible Jewish victims of Nazi action, among whom children should receive preferential assistance. Eligible Jewish victims of Nazi action are either refugees from Germany or Austria who do not desire to return to these countries, or German and Austrian Jews now resident in Germany or Austria who desire to emigrate, or Jews who were nationals or former nationals of previously occupied countries and who were victims of Nazi concentration camps or concentration camps established by regimes under Nazi influence. B. The sum of $2,500,000, amounting to ten percent, arising out of the $25,000,000 priority on the proceeds of German assets in neutral countries, ten percent of the proceeds of the "non-monetary gold", and five percent of the "heirless funds" shall be administered by the Inter-Governmental Committee on Refugees or its successor organi- zation through appropriate public and private organizations for the 2650