Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/439

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Auncimn, September 12, 1946. EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to refer to conversations between the representa- tives of the Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Paraguay, in connection with the Trade Agreement signed this day, relating to the application of Paragraph 2 of Article Ante, p. 203. XV of the Agreement to the Philippine Islands. Since the inception of the negotiations which have thus culminated in the signature of the Agreement, my Government has intended that advantages accorded to the Philippines should, regardless of any change in political status, be excepted from the operation of the Agreement. Accordingly, as a result of the conversations referred to, it is the understanding of my Government that the two Governments are in agreement that, notwithstanding the inauguration of an in- dependent Philippine Government on July 4, 1946, Paragraph 2 of Article XV of the Trade Agreement will be interpreted to mean that advantages which the United States now or hereafter accords to the Republic of the Philippines are excepted from the operation of the Agreement. Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest considera- tion. WILLARD L. BEAULAC His Excellency Doctor MIGUEL ANGEL SOLER, Minister of Foreign Relations and Worship. REPUBLICA DEL PARAGUAY Asunci6n, Septiembre 12 de 1946. - SEROR EMBAJADOR: Tengo el honor de acusar recibo de la nota de Vuestra Excelencia fecha de hoy, y de confirmar el entendimiento de los dos Gobiernos expuesto en la misma de que el Parrafo 2 del Articulo XV del Convenio Comercial firmado hoy sera interpretado significando que las ventajas concedidas por los Estados Unidos en la actualidad o en adelante a la Repdblica de Filipinas, quedaran exceptuadas de los efectos del Convenio. Reciba, Sefior Embajador, las renovadas seguridades de mi mks alta consideraci6n.- MIGUEL ANGEL SOLER A Su Excelencia el Seior EmbajadorEztraordinarioy Plenipoteneiariode los Estados Unidos de Amprica, Hon. WILLARD L. BEAULAC. Presente. - WHEREAS such modifications of existing duties and other import restrictions and such continuance of existing customs and excise treatment as are set forth and provided for in the said Agreement 2724