Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/578

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60 Stat. 139. 1791 (c). Provision of lands, etc. Assistance by Direc- tor. INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. Subject to the provisions of Section 311 (c) of the said Public Law 370-79th Congress, the trainees referred to in the preceding para- graph of this Article shall be designated by the President of the Philippines in accordance with procedures and standards established by the Administrator. The Government of the Republic of the Philippines shall furnish to the United States Embassy at Manila the names and necessary supporting documents of the trainees so designated. ARTICLE IV The Government of the Republic of the Philippines agrees to pro- vide free of cost to the Government of the United States of America such lands, rights-of-way and easements necessary for carrying out the terms of this Agreement. The Administrator is authorized to ac- cept and utilize for the performance of the terms of this Agreement contributions of labor, materials, equipment and money from the Gov- ernment of the Republic of the Philippines and its political subdi- visions. ARTICLE V The Director of Aeronautics shall assist the representative of the Administrator in carrying out the objectives of this Agreement by providing: (1) recommendations relative to locations for the establishment of air navigation facilities and the type of facilities and services re- quired for each location; (2) advice as to the specific radio frequency assignments which may be used and as to materials and equipment owned by the Govern- ment of the Republic of the Philippines which can be made available for use in carrying out this Agreement; and (3) suggestions for the accomplishment of all phases of the Agree- ment, including suggestions for the accomplishment of the physical work involved and for the maintenance and operation of completed facilities. The Government of the Republic of the Philippines shall furnish such equipment, facilities, and qualified personnel, including techni- cians, administrative personnel, and other personnel, as may be neces- sary and as may be available to the Government of the Republic of the Philippines to carry out the purpose and intent of this Agreement. ARTICLE VI Office space, etc. The Government of the Republic of the Philippines will cooperate with the Administrator, or his duly authorized representative, in pro- viding such temporary or permanent office and other space and facili- ties as may be required, and shall render all practicable assistance in securing adequate housing accommodations, at reasonable rental rates, for personnel of the Civil Aeronautics Administration engaged in effectuating this program, and their families.