Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/69

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61 STAT.] BRAZII-NAVAL MISSION- Jan. 3, 18, Mar. 21, May 2, 1946 June 8, Aug. 10, Sept. 17, 1946 Government, agrees to the proposed change in the wording of Art. 4, Chapter IV, of the said contract. 2. This article shall therefore be worded thus: "In the case of personnel who, at the request of the Minister of Marine of Brazil, may join the Mission for a period of less than six months for the purpose of instructing the Brazilian Navy in the use of equipment or special methods, as provided in Title I, Art. 2, payment of expenses for the transportation of families, household effects and automobiles shall not be required under this Agreement, but shall be determined by agreement between the representative of the United States Navy and the authorized representative of the Ministry of Marine of Brazil in Washington at such time as the detail of personnel for such duty may be agreed upon." 3. With respect to the members of the American Naval Mission in Brazil, I communicate to Your Excellency that the Brazilian Govern- ment would be gratified if there were among the members a "Chief Fire Control Man" who has passed a course in repairs at the Navy Yard in Washington, D. C., and who is well acquainted with repairs on the Director XXXIII type system, distance control, electric and hydro-electric, types 4 and 5, and who has likewise had experience in the installation of artillery equipment aboard the new destroyers. I avail myself of this occasion to renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. CARLOS MARTINS PEREIRA E SOUSA His Excellency DEAN ACHESON, Acting Secretary of State of the United States of America. The Acting Secretary of State to the Brazilian Ambassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON Sep 17 1946 EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's note, no. 205/530.1(22) of August 10, 1946, concerning the renewal of the Agreement for the United States Naval Mission to Brazil signed May 7, 1942. In this connection, I am pleased to note that the extension of the Agreement, with the changes in the wording of Title IV, Article 4, as set forth in your note, is agreeable to your Government. I am informed that the Navy Department is seeking a Chief Fire Control Man and as soon as a suitable selection is made his name and biographical sketch will be submitted for consideration by your Government. 2347 56 Stat. 1466 . Addition of chief fire control man to mem- bers of Mission. 56 Stat. 1462 . 56 Stat. 1466.