Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/719

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. to the Government of the Repub- lic of El Salvador shall not exceed the cost of transporting the re- mains from the place of decease to New York City. Should the de- ceased be a member of the Mission, his services with the Mission shall be considered to have terminated fifteen (15) days after his death. Return transportation to New York City for the family of the deceased member and for their baggage and household effects shall be provided as prescribed in Article 15. All compensation due the deceased member, including salary for fifteen (15) days subse- quent to his death, and reimburse- ment for expenses and transporta- tion due the deceased member for travel performed on official busi- ness of the Republic of El Salva- dor, shall be paid to the widow of the deceased member or to any other person who may have been designated in writing by the de- ceased while serving under the terms of this Agreement; but such widow or other person shall not be compensated for accrued leave due and not taken by the deceased. All compensations due the widow, or other person designated by the deceased, under the provisions of this Article, shall be paid within fifteen (15) days after the decease of the said member. TITLE V Requisites and Conditions ARTICLE 21. So long as this Agreement, or any extension there- of, is in effect, the Government of the Republic of El Salvador shall not engage the services of any per- sonnel of any other foreign govern- ment for duties of any nature con- nected with the Salvadoran Air Force, except by mutual agreement Gobierno de la Repdblica de El Salvador, no excedera del costo de trasladar los restos desde el lugar del fallecimiento hasta la ciudad de Nueva York. Sielextintofuere miembro de la Misi6n, se consi- derara que sus servicios en ella terminaron quince (15) dias des- pues de su muerte. Los gastos de regreso a la ciudad de Nueva York para la familia del miembro falle- cido, su equipaje y sus efectos domesticos se sufragaran como se dispone en el Articulo 15. Toda remuneraci6n que se adeude al miembro fallecido, inclusive su sueldo por los quince (15) dias siguientes a su muerte, y el re- embolso de gastos y transporte en viajes realizados en asuntos oficia- les de la Repdblica de El Salva- dor se pagaran a la viuda del miembro fallecido o a la persona que el extinto haya designado por escrito mientras prestaba sus servi- cios de conformidad con los t6rmi- nos de este Convenio; pero no se pagarA a la viuda ni a la otra persona por la licencia a que tuviere derecho y no tomada por el finado. Toda remuneraci6n que de conformidad con las disposi- ciones de este Articulo se adeude a la viuda o a la otra persona desig- nada por el finado, se pagara dentro del plazo de quince (15) dias despues de la muerte de dicho miembro. TITULO V Requisitos y Condiciones ARTICULO 21. Durante la vigen- cia de este Convenio o de su pro- rrogaci6n, el Gobierno de la Repu- blica de El Salvador no contratara los servicios de personal de ningdn otro gobierno extranjero para fun- clones de naturaleza alguna rela- cionadas con las Fuerzas Aereas Salvadorefias, excepto mediante Ante, p. 3006. Compensation due deceased member. Services of person- nel of other foreign governments, restric- tion. 3008