Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/898

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61 STAT.] PORTUGAIL-AIR TRANSPORT SERVICES-JUNE 28, 1947 ment between the two Governments, signed on December 6, 1945, 59 Stat 1849. shall be amended to read as follows: [For the English language text of Sections I and II, see pp. 3 1 8 5 -3186.] I avail myself of the opportunity to present to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest consideration. JosE CAEIRO DA MATA His Excellency JOIN COOPER WILEY Ambassador of the United States of America The American Ambassadorto the PortugueseMinister of Foreign Affairs EMBASSY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Lisbon, June 28, 1947 EXCELLENCY: It is mutually agreed by the Governments of the United States of America and of Portugal that, in addition to the routes described in the Annex to the Air Transport Agreement between the United States of America and Portugal, dated December 6, 1945, airlines of the United States of America operating on the following route are accorded the rights of transit and non-traffic stop in Portuguese territory: A. The United States via the East Coast of South America and inter- mediate points to Johannesburg and Capetown. It is equally agreed that airlines of Portugal operating on the follow- ing route are accorded the rights of transit and non-traffic stop in United States territory: B. Lisbon, via the Azores and/or Gander to Montreal. I avail myself of this opportunity to express to Your Excellencyl the assurances of my high consideration. JOIIN C. rlIY. His Excellency Dr. JOSE CAEIRO DA MATA, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Lisbon. The Portuguese Minister of Foreign Affairs to the American Ambassador MINISTERIO DOS NEGOCIOS ESTRANGEIROS DIRECCAO GERAL DOS NEGOCIOS POLiTICOS E DA ADMINISTRACAO INTERNA LISBOA, 28 de Junho de 1947 SENHOR EMBAIXADOR, Fica mutuamente acordado entre os Governos de Portugal e dos Estados Unidos da America que, alem das rotas descritas no Anexo ao 95347°- 4 9- -T. 111 -5 Additional U. S. rights of transit and stop in Portuguese territory. 59 Stat. 1849. Portuguese rights il U. S. 3189