Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 3.djvu/986

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. Ministry of Health and Social Assistance and the Chief of the Mis- sion may determine by mutual agreement. Eighth: The Oficina Cooperativa Interamericana de Salud Pdblica, as an agency of the Ministry of Health and Social Assistance, shall enjoy such rights and privileges as are granted by law to similar offi- cial agencies, including exemption from postal and telegraph fees and discounts in transportation companies; and to the extent that the aforesaid agencies enjoy customs exemptions, such exemptions shall be granted to the Oficina Cooperativa Interamericana de Salud Publica for the importation of articles intended for the carrying out of the Cooperative Program, it being understood that the Ministry may examine, as it does with respect to the other agencies, such lists of imports as may be prepared. Ninth: The Government of the United States of Venezuela recog- nizes the Institute of Inter-American Affairs as an agency of the Government of the United States of America. The representatives of the Institute shall be exempt from income tax on the sums which they receive as remuneration from the United States Government and their imports for use in the carrying out of the Program of Health and Sanitation shall be exempt from customs duties. Tenth: The Minister of Health and Social Assistance, the Chief of the Mission, and the Director of the Oficina, may, whenever possible, delegate the functions assigned to them under the present Agreement of Extension to representatives duly authorized by them. 57 Stat. 1126 . Eleventh: The provisions of the original Modus Vivendi and of the 58Stat. 1446 . First Agreement of Extension (June 1944 to December 1946) shall remain in force unless invalidated directly or indirectly by the terms of the present Agreement. This note and your reply in the same terms shall constitute an agreement respecting the provisions of the preceding clauses. I avail myself of the opportunity to renew to you the assurances of my distinguished consideration. CARLOS MORALES The Honorable THOMAS J. MALEADY, Charge d'Affaires ad interim of the United States of America. Oity. The American Charge d'Affaires ad interim to the Venezuelan Ministerof Foreign Relations EMBASSy OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA No.227 Caracas, June 30, 1947. EXCELLENCY: Extension of pro With reference to this Embassy's note No. 2591 of January 30, m. 1947 and subsequent conversations between officers of this Embassy 3278