Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/177

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3520 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. 3. The packets, whether accompanied by customs declarations or not, shall always bear a green label conforming to Model C 1 of the 54 tat. 2111. Regulations of Execution of the Universal Postal Convention. ARTICLE 105 Diplomatic pouches Weight;dimensions. 1. Diplomatic pouches exchanged by the Ministries of Foreign Relations of the countries of the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain with their diplomatic representatives in the other countries, by Antep. 309. virtue of the provisions of Article 13 of the Convention, may not exceed the weight of 20 kilograms or the following dimensions: length, width and height, together, 140 centimeters, and greatest dimension must not exceed 60 centimeters. Regstration. 2. The Ministries of Foreign Relations and the diplomatic repre- sentatives will deposit these pouches in the post offices, as registered articles. That office will enter in the column "Observations" of the registry special list the words "Valija Diplomatica (Diplomatic Pouches)" and the number of these if they are more than one. 3. These pouches will be provided with fastenings, locks or other safety devices appropriate to the importance of such dispatches. 4. Diplomatic pouches will be forwarded by the same routes used by the dispatching Administrations for the transmission of its corre- spondence to the Administration of destination, their sending being announced by means of a note entered in the letter bill of the dis- patch containing them. 5. In the absence of agreement to the contrary between the parties concerned, diplomatic pouches will not be dispatched under the franking privilege by air mail. ARTICLE 106 Diplomatic and consular correspondence Diplomatic and consular correspondence shall bear the following indications: The name of the sending Embassy, Legation or Con- sulate, and the conspicuous inscription Diplomatic correspondence or Consularcorrespondence, in addition to the declaration Libre de porte (Free of postage), which shall appear under the former inscription. ARTICLE 107 Transit statistics As a result of the gratuity of transit referred to by Article 3 of A p. 350. the Convention, the Administrations of the contracting countries will not perform any transit statistical operations in connection withl dispatches containing Americo-Spanish correspondence exclusively, whenever this correspondence is forwarded without the intervention of countries or services foreign to the Postal Union of the Americas and Spain.