Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/319

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61 STAT.] ITALY-MILITARY AND CIVIL AFFAIRS-SEPT. 3,1947 C. The United States High Command shall be entitled to participate, on basis of agreements to be made with competent Italian authorities, in any organization that the Italian authorities may set up for the control and safety of air traffic and of aircraft flying over Italian territory. 3. Pending the completion of their withdrawal, the United States Forces may continue to use such of the premises which they at present occupy, for so long as the United States High Command consider necessary. All premises will be vacated as soon as possible and in any case not later than ninety days after the coming into force of the Peace Treaty except for some warehouses which may be required for a short period thereafter for the storage of equipment which is required for use up to the date of final withdrawal and which cannot be shipped on that date. 4. 3663 Control and safety of air traffic. Use of premises. 61 Stat., Pt. 2, p. 1245 . In order to meet the signals and postal requirements of the United slgnal and postal requirements of U. S. States Forces. Forces. A. The Italian Government and the United States High Command will cooperate with a view to the use, by the latter, with the same right of priority as hitherto of such Italian telecommunications, radar and other communication services, including radio aids, as may be re- quired for the purposes of the United States Forces. B. The United States High Command shall be entitled to continue to maintain and operate such radio and radar stations and landline communications networks as are necessary for the purposes of the United States Forces and to use United States codes, cyphers and security equipment. C. The competent Italian authorities and the United States High Command will continue to cooperate as hitherto with a view to the coordination, regulations, and allocation of all frequencies required for radio communications networks and radar installations. D. The United States Forces may continue to conduct their own postal system and to retain existing postal arrangements and franking privileges. 5. The United States Forces may continue to engage local civilian labor as required, either directly or through the intermediary of the competent local Italian authorities at current wage rates. 6. The United States Forces shall, within the limits of their necessities in Italy continue to have the right to purchase local produce, supplies and manufactured goods in Italy, either directly or through the in- termediary of the competent local Italian authorities. In order that such purchases may not have an adverse effect upon Italian economy the United States High Command will come to an understanding Local civilian labor. Purchase of local produce, etc.