Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/353

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. The Chairman of the CanadianDelegation to the Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation CANADIAN DELEGATION TO THE SECOND SESSION OF THE PRBPARATORY COMMITTEE OF THE UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE ON TRADE AND EMPLOYMENT DELEGATION DU CANADA ALA DEU'XIME SESSION DE LA COMMISSION PRiPARATOIRE DE LA CONFERENCE DES NATIONS UNIES DU COMMERCE ET DE L'EMPLOI GENEVA, October30,1947. DEAR MR. BROWN, I have received your letter of October 30th with regard to the Agree- ment Supplementary to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade which we propose to sign on behalf of our two Governments. I note that your purpose in writing to me is to make it clear that you would be signing the Supplementary Agreement with the under- standing that its general language would not prevent notice of termi- nation of the 1938 Trade Agreement given by either party while we were both parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade from effecting termination of the 1938 Agreement in six months. I wish to give you the assurance that my Government has the same Understanding of the position as that set forth in your letter. Yours sincerely, Chain WINTHROP G. BROWN, Esq., Acting Chairman, United States Delegation. 53 Stat. 2348. 19 U. . o. §1351 note. 61 Stat., Pts. 5 and6. 3698 w