Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/362

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61 STAT.] CUBA-RECIPROCAL TRADE-OCT. 30, 1947 3707 Translation DELEGATION OF CUBA GENEVA, October SO, 1947. My DEAR MR. BROWN: I have the honor to refer to your courteous letter of today's date, informing me that your attention has been called to a legal detail in connection with the Exclusive Agreement Supplementary to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade which we are signing today as representatives of our respective governments. I have noted carefully the contents of your letter and, in reply, I am pleased to inform you that I am entirely in agreement with your statements, that is, that we are signing the Exclusive Supplementary Agreement on the understanding that the general language in which it is worded would not prevent either of the parties, while they are parties to the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, from notify- ing the other of its intention to terminate the Treaty of 1902 and the Trade Agreement of 1934, by observing the one-year and six-months notice, respectively, prescribed therein in the case of denunciation. Very truly yours, S I. CLARK SERGIO I. CLARK Chairman, Delegation of Cuba. Mr. WINTHROP G. BROWN, Acting Chairman, Delegation of the United States of America Palais-des-Nations. The Acting Chairman of the United States Delegation to the Chairman of the Cuban Delegation GENEVA, October SO, 1947 MR. CHAIRMAN: Reference is made to the conversations which have taken place between our Delegations during the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on Trade and Employ- ment, regarding the exportation of pineapple slips from the Republic of Cuba to the United States of America. In accordance with instructions received from my Government, I desire to confirm the understanding reached between our Delegations during the course of the tariff negotiations, to the effect that the Government of the Republic of Cuba will continue to permit the exportation of pineapple slips to the United States of America, and in particular to the Territory of Puerto Rico, subject to such regula- tions as the Cuban Ministry of Agriculture may establish; and will facilitate the acquisition and exportation of pineapple slips of good quality. 61 Stat., Pts. 5and 6. 33 Stat. 2136. 49 Stat. 3559. Exportation of pine- apple slipsfrom Cuba.