Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/365

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [61 STAT. United States Negotiating Team, the Cuban Government had noticed the grave practical problems arising from the difficulty or impossibility of duly distinguishing these fabrics from other wool fabrics, especially when mixed with other substances, vegetable or synthetic fibers. For this reason, the Cuban Government intends to make a careful and thorough analysis of this situation, with a view toward its final solution. In order to facilitate and speed these negotiations and bring them to a happy conclusion, the Cuban Delegation is pleased to state that the Cuban Government does not contemplate increasing the present rate of duty on palm beach cloth, exclusively, and undertakes to exempt such product from the twenty percent surcharge established by Law No. 28, of September 8, 1941. SIC GENEVA, October 28, 1947. DELEGAOION DE CUBA MEMORANDUM La Delegacion de Cuba a la Segunda Sesion del Comite Preparatorio de la Conferencia de las Naciones Unidas sobre Comercio y Empleo se complace en dirigirse a la Delegacion de los Estados Unidos de America a proposito de la exportacion de aguacates de Cuba a los Estados Unidos de America y le participa que, de acuerdo con lo con- venido en el curso de las negociaciones arancelarias llevadas a cabo por los teams negociadores de ambos paises, el Gobierno de Cuba continuara aplicando el regimen de exportacion establecido en el parrafo 10 de la Disposicion Quinta del Arancel de Aduanas de la Republica de Cuba. GINEBRA, 30 de Octubre de 1947. S.I.C. Translation DELEGATION OF CUBA MEMORANDUM Exp"ortation of avo The Delegation of Cuba to the Second Session of the Preparatory Committee of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Em- ployment is pleased to address the Delegation of the United States of America with reference to the exportation of avocados from Cuba to the United States of America, and to inform the Delegation that in accordance with the agreement reached during the tariff negotia- tions carried on by the negotiating teams of both countries, the Government of Cuba will continue to apply the export system set forth in paragraph 10 of Provision 5 of the Customs Tariff of the Republic of Cuba. GENEVA, October 80, 1947. S.I.C. 3710