Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/397

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1il SrAT.] MEI.XI('()- MIGRIATION OF AGRIICULTI'RAL WORKERS Mar 25, 1947 Apr. 2, 19i47 tarv clauses relative to the program being carried out under the terms of the Agreement in force between the United States of America and Mexico, which was signed on August 4, 1942, and revised April 26, 1943: 1. It is agreed that there is no change in the wording of the new Work Contract need be made, but that, in the future, the understand- ings mentioned which are made shall be formalized by means of an exchange of notes. 2. It is understood that the workers who are to be employed in the harvesting of sugar beets shall be subjected to a process of selec- tion for the purpose of employing experienced workers only, since the work involved is arduous. 3. It is agreed that the words "area" and "region" which are men- tioned in Paragraph 2 of the Work Contract shall, when they refer to the place of employment, be considered as meaning the place in the County where the worker is employed. 4. It is noted that in each worker's contract there will be inserted, by means of a stamp and on a line, the name of the place where the worker signed the contract originally, and that that place shall be con- sidered as his "point of origin" for all the purposes of the above- mentioned Contract. 5. It is agreed that, in the event it becomes necessary to repatriate Mexican workers before the expiration of their contracts as a result of the fact that their services are no longer necessary, the United States Department of Agriculture will use every means available to prevent such unemployment from affecting the Mexican workers who have recently arrived in the United States, repatriating instead, when necessary, those who have been employed over longer periods of time. 6. It is understood that, except for those days (excluding Sundays) when the worker is not used for more than four hours, which occur before his coltralct terninates, he shall be given the cost of his food for the time in which he does not work, for reasons beyond his control, provided he is physically able to perform his work. 7. It is agreed that the food provided on the farms or by the com- missaries controlled by the farmers shall be provided at cost, and must not exceed 1.50 dollars per day. 8. It is understood that the farmers will be notified that the Consuls of Mexico and the Delegates assigned by the Interdepartmental Com- mittee will have the right to examine the fulfillment of the workers' contracts, to study the sanitary system, as well as the class and cost of the food, when they may consider it necessary. 9. It is agreed that it be recommended to the farmers that the bal- ance which remains due to the workers from wages or deductions be paid by one check payable to the "Banco Nacional de Credito Agri- cola", to which shall be attached a list of the workers to receive pay- ment, as well as one of the individual amounts owed to them. 10. It is agreed, particularly, that in view of the increase in mini- mum wage rates to be paid for work in connection with the 1947 beet 56 Stat. 1759; 57 Stat. 1152. 3743