Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 61 Part 4.djvu/446

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SIMULTILATERAL-SHIPPING-FEB. 11 , 1946 This Committee: (a) shall consider U.N.R.R.A.'s requirements for loading in areas other than the United States and Canada. The nations ac- cepting Part "A" of this agreement recognise the necessity for meeting such requirements to the best of their ability and through their representatives on the Committee shall co-ordi- nate the provision of tonnage they are able to make available for these programmes. (b) shall keep the tonnage situation in loading areas other than the United States and Canada constantly under review. Recog- nising the necessity for an adequate supply of tonnage for load- ing in these areas the nations represented shall authorise the Committee to consider and recommend the measures that should be taken to assist the fulfilment of the programmes affected in the event that normal commercial channels are failing to ensure an adequate supply of tonnage. General 6. That nations needing shipping assistance other than that secured from the Contributory Pool, shall make suitable arrangements for the procurement of tonnage through commercial channels or may request it from other nations. The nations from whom tonnage is requested shall make all reasonable efforts to make available the requested ship- ping space at fair, reasonable and compensatory rates, subject to the reservation that they need not supply such tonnage if it is to be used in a manner contrary to the interests of the nation upon whom the request has been made. APPENDIX TO PART 'A' 1. To maintain without interruption the maximum flow of relief and rehabilitation cargoes from the United States and Canada, a Contrib- utory Nations' Committee shall be established in Washington as pro- vided in (2) of Part "A". 2. With respect to loadings from Canadian ports, the Washington Committee shall collaborate with a Canadian Sub-Committee to be established in Montreal. 3. U.N .R.R.A. and each liberated Nation requiring shipping assistance for the carriage of such cargoes, shall submit to this Committee by the 1st of each month, its total programme of cargo loadings in the United States and Canada showing the number of coal, grain or other full, bulk cargoes, and the number of general cargoes programmed for loading during the following month, and estimates in the same form for the next two months The programme for the specific month should also show the number, nationality, and total cargo capacity of vessels already available to the programming claimant for loading during that month. Procurement of ton- nage. Collaboration with Oanadian Sub-Com- mittee. Program o cargo bedtegL 3793 61 STAT.]